Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Fights resetting [Merged Thread]



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    StellarStellar Posts: 1,069 ★★★★
    The bug is still here !
    Fought X23 in EQ and she is still here at full life
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    sacoma_sack78sacoma_sack78 Posts: 142

    Go team Kabam! Hang in there! You guys can pull it off! Order the team some pizzas, guys! =)

    Also, I'd like to suggest an extension of the current set of Fantastic Invasions to run alongside the next set of Doom Invasions tomorrow. Today's Invasions feel a bit squished at this point...

    Yes please
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    18sae5618sae56 Posts: 136
    You need to cancel this aq series. even with 30 minute timers, half our alliance is asleep and we're stuck waiting on nodes to clear. You guys should just push out repeat rewards from last week.
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    at0mat0m Posts: 92

    I’m on iOS and after the maintenance I am still not able to fight the arena or get out of it. I restarted the game 3 times but I’m still not able to proceed.
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    SparkAlotSparkAlot Posts: 957 ★★★★
    Arena is STILL busted as well, that wasn't mentioned!
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    Mr_ZMr_Z Posts: 29
    @Kabam Miike I sure hope you guys are getting some valuable data out of the game being "up"? Because it sure as hell isn't serving any valuable purpose for the players.
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    I'm using android and it's still not working.
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    CinadinCinadin Posts: 6
    AQ is working for my alliance.
    Arena, story, events, daily, etc isnstill broken.
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    World EaterWorld Eater Posts: 3,640 ★★★★★
    Lost my arena streak becuz the first 2 fights got disconnected,
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    KpatrixKpatrix Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    1860 5* shards down the drain, better be comped. Can’t play anything but AQ and it’s so far off schedule we won’t finish due to time zones and sleep. I know it’s not intentional but this needs something positive for players while we get the shaft due to bugs
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    シャドウシャドウ Posts: 30

    Here you go: Video proof as of 10 AM Singapore time November 9. Hours AFTER emergency maintenance, and AFTER the 1 MB patch fix that didn't do anything.

    Pardon the poor video quality, i don't have any fancy capture software, so i made due with a tissue box and some small boxes to stand my phone camera up the way it did.

    - no victory score screen
    - 50% Health deduction AFTER the WIN.
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    MalchaeisMalchaeis Posts: 179 ★★
    The shorter the fight the more chance to loop? An anti hacking/ modding monitoring update gone horribly wrong maybe?
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    Arena is a write off cant do any fights guys
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    WahyauWahyau Posts: 32
    What about those allies who weren't able to start on time. The whole weeks aq start time is gonna be delayed.
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    DrPepper_75DrPepper_75 Posts: 126
    No luck here .. game still jacked I have fought doom 3 times. So frustrating!
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    Jones979Jones979 Posts: 84
    edited November 2019
    super annoying.
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    Timone147Timone147 Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    So how are we going to fix this enlistment issue in war as well. We were enlisted before the outage and somehow free the outage we aren’t anymore
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    SamaritanaSamaritana Posts: 19
    The bug and maintenance completely broke our schedule and coordination. Also we didn't get to %100 a BG because of the bugs so we are double affected. Really unmotivated to play this week AQ.
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    NeXt3nNeXt3n Posts: 21
    Timone147 said:

    So how are we going to fix this enlistment issue in war as well. We were enlisted before the outage and somehow free the outage we aren’t anymore

    Same problem for us :/
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    CinadinCinadin Posts: 6


    Please note that this has NOT fixed the issue for Daily, Story, and Event Quests yet.

    This fix looks like it is for AQ only.
    All story, events, arena, daily quests are NOT fixed.
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    This bug started for me while i was taking on the 6.1.5 crossbones. I am stuck on my last path with him sitting at just 15% health unable to get the kill to count. I used the last of my best boosts to take this guy out before I discovered the bug and they are gone now. A few maxed boosts should go into those compensation rewards.
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    SmsplicerSmsplicer Posts: 1
    Compensation will be like, 1 energy refill and 1 level 1 potion, 5 units if were lucky. About to leave this game.
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    SeanDGreeneSeanDGreene Posts: 3
    Still broken.Might as well bring back maintenance and actually fix the game. Unplayable right now. Y’all have taken away my excuse to ignore the honey do list. Thanks!
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    Skydad23Skydad23 Posts: 555 ★★★
    Four star basic arena is still glitching fight crashing after you win resulting in a loss 57 fight win streak gone
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    RtomMADRtomMAD Posts: 195
    Still having issues in AQ

    WTF!! Fix this already
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    Canrdboy36Canrdboy36 Posts: 74
    Aq is up and running with no loops. Yes our timing is screwed but we only started a map 4 for all three, no point in wasting resources. Yall need to stop the **** it doesn't solve anything, in fact it probably makes you madder and more miserable.
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    CarwishCarwish Posts: 51
    MCOC Infobot on Line app suggested the game was back up. It is, but the problem remains. Had to fight the same champ on same node 4 times now in the fantastic mission. But he keeps resetting. Meanwhile after the first attack the game dropped me to 50% health although I was actually at 97% at end of fight. If it helps to ID the problem, I am playing on I-pad with most recent version of iOS, and live in Germany.
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