So this vs. bug has lasted about 10 hours...

Fundamentally, there is no game. I won a east fight against storm with ghost. Glitch network error. I lost it. Next, I won a fight against Magneto with Hood. Surprise. Glitch, network error. I lost. Now my streak is gone, and I lose fights I clearly win, making this game unplayable during a timed arena. Now what? I can't play the arena for hours. This might run a full 24 hours or more, I mean we're basically halfway there. What's the cause? Dishonest people using bots and the bots bugged out the game? What stinks is: not knowing what did it, when the game will be fixed, and if it will be enough time to complete the arena. Listen, I'm not complaining, trust me. I'm patient. I just want information. For instance: the cable goes out, I call the company and they explain there is a temporary outage due to a shorted junction box, should be back up in one hour. See? That's an explanation with an ETIC. That's all I want: what happened and when will it be FULLY operational.
These seem to be going to waste
Fix the game so I can feed the addiction ffs.