Hey Kabam, how about a simple in-game e-mail heads-up next time?
How the extended emergency maintenance affected me (& others, surely):
- 2 Arena streaks lost
- AW unfairly won (not a complaint from me but surely a complaint our opponent is entitled to)
- loads of expiring items lost before I had a chance to sell
- quest energy wasted
- alliance and solo objectives ended while under maintenance before well could hit next milestone
- lost progress in quests
Other ways the emergency maintenance affected others:
- AW not started in time
- Pots/Revs/Boosts wasted
- many other ways, I'm sure
The issue that sparked the emergency maintenance is small compared to what we players have lost as a result.
A simple in-game notice1-hour in advance would have enabled a good deal of players to prep against all of these issues. You wouldn't be dealing with all this vitriol & cries for compensation.
A simple in-game e-mail 1-hour in advance would enable players & officers to:
- use up quest & AW/AQ energy & wrap up paths so progress not lost
- move in AW/AQ now rather than later, take out boss where possible now rather than later resulting in fewer unfair wins/losses
- wrap up arena matches so streaks aren't lost
- sell items before they expire
- push to hit 1 more milestone in time
- start AW
- save Pots/Revs/Boosts for when they can be used
- ...
It's not all about me. I'm just using myself as an example of what many players have lost.
I'm looking at my in-game e-mail history and there's nothing there nearly as important as a maintenance warning would have been.
- 2 Arena streaks lost
- AW unfairly won (not a complaint from me but surely a complaint our opponent is entitled to)
- loads of expiring items lost before I had a chance to sell
- quest energy wasted
- alliance and solo objectives ended while under maintenance before well could hit next milestone
- lost progress in quests
Other ways the emergency maintenance affected others:
- AW not started in time
- Pots/Revs/Boosts wasted
- many other ways, I'm sure
The issue that sparked the emergency maintenance is small compared to what we players have lost as a result.
A simple in-game notice1-hour in advance would have enabled a good deal of players to prep against all of these issues. You wouldn't be dealing with all this vitriol & cries for compensation.
A simple in-game e-mail 1-hour in advance would enable players & officers to:
- use up quest & AW/AQ energy & wrap up paths so progress not lost
- move in AW/AQ now rather than later, take out boss where possible now rather than later resulting in fewer unfair wins/losses
- wrap up arena matches so streaks aren't lost
- sell items before they expire
- push to hit 1 more milestone in time
- start AW
- save Pots/Revs/Boosts for when they can be used
- ...
It's not all about me. I'm just using myself as an example of what many players have lost.
I'm looking at my in-game e-mail history and there's nothing there nearly as important as a maintenance warning would have been.
This discussion has been closed.
Even if they were to send the suggested mail, half the stuff you said they should’ve suggested wouldn’t have been able to function properly
I got stuck in the epic daily at the Annihilus boss. Beat him and he didn’t count, then i got disconnects every time i tried to enter and try again.
You can’t give a heads up on emergency maintenance. That’s why it’s called an emergency
I 100% the Fantastic side quest, no issue. Then I took down a mini in AW. I was back on the map and had to fight him again. (I attribute this to the bug.) I did, then I progressed to boss & took him out. AW complete. Then I grinded arena for about an hour with no issues. Had lunch, opened game again, found it was down. It was down for about 8 hours, I was back in 12, and that's when I tried arena and streaks were lost.
I'm on iOs if that makes a difference.
The only way they could have sent out a 1 hour warning is with a fortune teller.
And what did it solve? Arena still unplayable. Streak still lost.
You're argument is that Kabam can't give a warning because they don't know they're going to shut down their game?
Besides in-game e-mail they have the ability to warn players in-game with a pop-up message, an orange banner message at the bottom of the screen & other ways, I'm sure. Maybe an hour isn't feasible but even 30 minutes or whatever would be better than what we got: 0.
That's all I'm suggesting. This is what most online games do and it doesn't take a whole lot of effort.
Just on the off-chance that maybe someone might be lucky and be able to do something in a broken game before leaving ?
And I’d like my electric company to send me mail in advance of a downed wire causing my electric to go out too, lol.
And no the game didn’t go down until almost 7 GMT. The glitches didn’t start until the daily mission refreshed at 6 GMT.
And 7:00 GMT is 2:00 ET, btw
And yes I’m sure plenty of players in a close war or AQ would think it was worth risking a few glitches to try and steal a few more points if a warning like that came up. Which would mean they lost more to the glitch and complained more, as well as giving them an unfair advantage over people who listened to the warning. All in all it makes much more sense to just shut down the game.
You’re request is unrealistic and would cause more problems than it would solve.
1) This isn't a complaint thread. I'm offering a partial solution for NEXT TIME. As I point out in the thread title. Because there will be a next time just as sure as there have been past times. If I wanted to complain I'd be harping on consolation.
2) Of course I don't expect a warning before the game has an issue. I expect a warning before the game is shut down. Because for me, and I can't be the only one, I didn't have the same problems you did. And if I'm missing what you're saying, I've got to say, your analogies are way off.
3) Everybody didn't experience the same issues. Whether it's due to the device used, which device update you're on, what time you entered arena - I don't know. So while YOU may not have been able to do much with an advance notice, others would have.
And that's about all I have to say on this. Cheers, lads.
I totally get how frustrating this can be, but there isn't really any way to actually predict when these moments are going to happen.