AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
I am really enjoying him and think hes getting trashed a bit more then he should.... I wish they did a few things different but saying hes worse then before just isnt true....Im considering taking him all the way up but need a question answered...

In his description it says that during his sp2 he has an 80% chance to inflict bleed, a critical hit results in a critical bleed... And while this is usually the case it certainly isnt always the case. Many times over the course of the last 2 days ive gotten just regular bleeds off a sp2 crit and would like to know if its a bug or not.

Im aware of the sp1 vs skill not resulting in an armor break being a bug and the double edge interaction being a bug and that theyre looking into it which is great but from what i can see this is also a bug and i would like to know if it will be addressed, ty


  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    I feel like most of mine have been crit bleeds but I have had a few that weren't.
  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
    Yeah most work out but if you do a longer fight like WS anyone can see that you pretty frequently wont get them, i just had 3 sp2s in a row where i crit on each, got 3 bleeds on each and none critical.... Then the next fight it only happened once and the rest were crit bleeds it seems to change from fight to fight lol and when u do get one the text that pops up on the screen glitches out its lighting fast, not even on the screen long enough to be sure if it said critical bleed or just bleed, have to look at the actual damage numbers ticking to see if the crit bleed worked or not

    What also happens is you can crit and not hit the 80% bleed on the hit that crit and then get bleeds off the hits that didnt which can seem like its not working but when 1 of 3 hits crit and u hit the 80% bleed on all 3 hits and they are all just normal bleeds its pretty disappointing. If OML crits on his sp2 u get a crit bleed. Should be that simple, especially since many sp2s wont crit at all so when it comes together and u crit on sp2 and hit the 80% bleed then it should be a crit bleed.... They didn't give him enough other features for me to be able to ignore it not working...
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    edited November 2019
    Oh ok. Yeah I did notice that when going against WS. I'm also still confused on the nullifying bleeds interaction
  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
    What they originally said was the 95% reduction and extra duration applies to double edge, that is for sure, its in his spotlight and been confirmed. I also heard that the debuff can be removed with the first special you launch but of that im not certain.
  • NeonoctisNeonoctis Member Posts: 118

    What they originally said was the 95% reduction and extra duration applies to double edge, that is for sure, its in his spotlight and been confirmed. I also heard that the debuff can be removed with the first special you launch but of that im not certain.

    It is absolutely in the champion spotlight. and we have not actually heard anything about a fix for this issue or ANYTHING about old man logan from the kabam team since his release. thinking they have a bit of remorse for releasing him without fully testing all these interactions, and the huge backlash about his "buff" I preferred him the old way actually. passive regen with much stronger furies paired with cruelty was better in my opinion. Sucks that they spent all that extra time to get the buffs right and ended up ruining one of the champs and released him bugged...
  • G0311G0311 Member Posts: 913 ★★★
    Mine works fine , not as much damage as beta but better regen. Been taking out act 6 content with him.
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    edited November 2019
    people saying his buff makes him better then he was before didnt ever use OmL and like sheep they never upgraded him to a decent level before!!!!
    - bleed resistance entire time
    - now bleed resistance only when regen is active and regen is mostly not active if u want damage
    - passive regen that never got consumed it was permanent and same effectiveness with sabertooth
    - new 'passive bleed' mechanic is same as "pacifism" just diffrent name and way to control it
    - slightly weaker furies n NO cruelty!
    - no new useful synergy in buff
    - Low base stats
    - if all they did was just way to control " pacifism" charges like it is now, a way to gain upto 15 pacifism charge and go for sp3 it would have made him 2x better!!
    - his previous awaken ability gave him sometimes 5-10 bleed at once
    - his crit bleeds are RARE(even after sp3)
    - for 8 months of "rework" he deserved better
    - Main point of buff was to make him usable in 2019, try using him in act 6,variants(future), AQ(ull need sabertooth) AW and have fun fighting for full 2 minutes or die or have no Utility on most fights
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    Kalantak said:

    people saying his buff makes him better then he was before didnt ever use OmL and like sheep they never upgraded him to a decent level before!!!!
    - bleed resistance entire time
    - now bleed resistance only when regen is active and regen is mostly not active if u want damage
    - passive regen that never got consumed it was permanent and same effectiveness with sabertooth
    - new 'passive bleed' mechanic is same as "pacifism" just diffrent name and way to control it
    - slightly weaker furies n NO cruelty!
    - no new useful synergy in buff
    - Low base stats
    - if all they did was just way to control " pacifism" charges like it is now, a way to gain upto 15 pacifism charge and go for sp3 it would have made him 2x better!!
    - his previous awaken ability gave him sometimes 5-10 bleed at once
    - his crit bleeds are RARE(even after sp3)
    - for 8 months of "rework" he deserved better
    - Main point of buff was to make him usable in 2019, try using him in act 6,variants(future), AQ(ull need sabertooth) AW and have fun fighting for full 2 minutes or die or have no Utility on most fights

    His bleed is 95% basically all the time . instead of 70% Permanently

    If you are sacrificing your Regen for damage you are playing him poorly. You need to be activating your specials with 3-5 seconds left

    Used my 3/45 in act 6 and he did great.

    The cruelty is built in as a passive now and let’s be honest it was rare that a bunch of them would
    Proc. So his crit damge is higher and more reliable.

    His passive buff could always be nullified FYI and shut down. I played OML as 4/55 before the variant gems came.

    You really need to play the character for more than a couple days. He is doing wonders for me already. My regen is up All the time and just used him for act 6.1.6 buffed up node.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    Old Man Logan - Originally Posted 02-03-2016

    In an alternate timeline, the villains of Earth and beyond worked together to bring about the downfall of Super Heroes everywhere. Manipulated into hurting his fellow mutants, Wolverine took on a vow of pacifism, swearing to never again pop his claws. 50 years later, when an old friend knocked on his door asking for help on a mission to overthrow the ruling villains, Logan chose to once again do what he did best.

    Base Stats & Abilities
    *All stats based on 4 Star, Rank 5, Level 50

    Class: Mutant

    Health: 13,075
    Attack: 1047
    Max PI: 3288 - Without Masteries or Signature Ability

    Special 1: X-Slash
    This attack pierces 93% of the opponent’s Armor.

    Special 2: Primal Rage
    31% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing 165% of your Attack as direct damage over 5.5 seconds.
    This has 3 potential triggers and stacks up to 3 times.

    Special 3: Kill Frenzy
    100% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing 96% of your Attack as direct damage over 5.5 seconds.
    This attack causes Logan to snap and go Berserk, at the cost of one Pacifism charge.
    This has 1 potential Bleed trigger.
    This attack immediately causes Logan to go Berserk (see below).
    If Logan only has one Pacifism charge, he will lose that charge, but won’t go Berserk as he has no charges left to convert into Fury and Cruelty effects.

    Pacifism - Passive
    Each time Logan loses 10% of his max health, or the opponent uses a Special Attack against him, he gains a charge of Pacifism and has a 10% chance per charge to snap and go Berserk.
    Logan cannot gain a charge a multiple times if he drops below a health threshold more than once.
    When Logan goes Berserk, for each Pacifism charge he had, he gains one Fury and Cruelty effect, increasing Attack and Critical Damage by 19% per charge consumed.

    Regeneration - Passive
    Logan’s advanced age has altered his Healing Factor, allowing him to recover 9 health twice per second. Additionally, any time he Bleeds, his Healing Factor closes the wound 79% faster.
    If Logan’s Regeneration effect is Nullified or removed, it will stay down for 5 seconds before starting up again.

    Signature Ability - Pop the Claws
    When Logan pops his claws for a Special Attack, each attack has a (10 - 25%) chance to cause an additional Bleed for each charge of Pacifism he has at the time, inflicting 50% of your attack as direct damage over 3 seconds.
    The Bleed effects from Pop the Claws stacks infinitely and has a chance to trigger per Pacifism charge active.

    Synergy Bonuses
    Wolverine - Enemy: +7% Critical Hit Chance
    Hawkeye - Friends: +6% Armor
    Hulk - Nemesis: +6% Attack

    Recommended Masteries

    Enhanced Fury / Extended Fury
    As Logan’s Fury effects from his Pacifism are considered true Fury effects, adding these masteries will make them last longer and hit much harder.

    Logan gains a large boost to his Critical Damage when he finally goes Berserk, and as such, ensuring he’s hitting with more frequent Critical Hits during these moments can allow him to deal much more damage during these bursts.

    Double Edge
    Because Logan’s Regeneration also allows him to close Bleeding wounds faster, Double Edge will run out quickly, while still providing the large boost to Attack.

    Logan is at his most powerful when fighting champions Bleed reliant champions, such as Black Panther and Gamora, as his Regeneration closes their wounds quickly, and allows him to heal up. This combo denies such champions much of their overall offensive power.
    Old Man Logan has ways of dealing with specific mastery set ups when played correctly. As an example, when in an arena and facing a champion with Willpower, a smart player can bypass this ability quickly. Simply use Special 1 attacks when Old Man Logan goes Berserk to avoid triggering Bleed effects, and use his raw attack ouput to deal with opponents.

    Logan is more susceptible to champions that can frequently remove his Regeneration effect, such as Scarlet Witch and Dr. Strange. Like many Mutant champions, Logan has few defensive capabilities when his activated abilities are lost, and will have to play more carefully and defensively when his regeneration is down
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★

    Watch this video . And then tell me he is not better

  • Marri_2Marri_2 Member Posts: 577 ★★★
    The problem is that we associate crit bleeds with Domino's and OML's are nowhere near that. I have a R3 and landed crit bleeds with 15 furies for 900 per tic. A 5-50 Domino easily does double that, without the bleed ramp up or without the superlucky mega bleed. I would have hoped that Crit Bleeds on a R3 with all those furies would have done about 1500 per tic at least. A R5 OML should be able to do crit bleeds for 3000 per tic if you line up everything correctly.
  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
    Hmm my r3 does 1120 per tick with 15 furies..... Its very rare to get 3 crit bleeds from 1 sp2 but it happens, with 15 furies and 5/5 DW thats a 50k bleed from an r3..... Not too shabby
  • Marri_2Marri_2 Member Posts: 577 ★★★

    Hmm my r3 does 1120 per tick with 15 furies..... Its very rare to get 3 crit bleeds from 1 sp2 but it happens, with 15 furies and 5/5 DW thats a 50k bleed from an r3..... Not too shabby

    I was talking about per crit bleed. Also, I am not running suicides.
  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
    Yeah me too 1120 per tick per crit bleed but im running full suicides so that explains that
  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
    Texas_11 said:

    Watch this video . And then tell me he is not better

    My post buff r3 OML did it in 165 hits..... Got very lucky on crit bleeds that fight, usually its around 200 but if he did 170 rounding up at r3, i would like to see what an r5 with good crit bleed rng would be
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  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
    zeezee57 said:

    I'd like to hear from a mod on this as well. More often than not my sp2 crits aren't resulting in crit bleeds, which would add quite a bit of damage if this is in fact a bug and they should be crit bleeds. I'd say I'm getting a crit bleed on sp2 crits maybe 4 out of every 10. If its RNG based it's that would be nice to know since the way his description reads you'd think critical hit equals critical bleed.

    Exactly, doesnt seem like we are going to get an answer but im not pulling the trigger on the rank up until we do..... Its kind of a big deal for him. "A critical hit results in a critical bleed." Thats what ot says if it wasnt intended to be on every crit then it would say so. There would be a percentage i would think.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★

    zeezee57 said:

    I'd like to hear from a mod on this as well. More often than not my sp2 crits aren't resulting in crit bleeds, which would add quite a bit of damage if this is in fact a bug and they should be crit bleeds. I'd say I'm getting a crit bleed on sp2 crits maybe 4 out of every 10. If its RNG based it's that would be nice to know since the way his description reads you'd think critical hit equals critical bleed.

    Exactly, doesnt seem like we are going to get an answer but im not pulling the trigger on the rank up until we do..... Its kind of a big deal for him. "A critical hit results in a critical bleed." Thats what ot says if it wasnt intended to be on every crit then it would say so. There would be a percentage i would think.
    I am also curious about this. Wondering this, because I’ll proc two crit bleeds and they are the same . Although one crit was way higher .
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  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    zeezee57 said:

    I know there's a lot of higher priority stuff going on currently but I'm hoping we can get some info here still regarding OML and his crit bleeds. More often than not my sp2 crits dont result in crit bleeds and I'd like to know if that's intended or not.

    I found that if you activate the precision buff , since his special attacks are unblockable activate them like ghost dash back and immediately fire off special. I get 2 crit bleeds most of the time.
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  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    If only his special 3 benefitted damage-wise from his furies.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    _ASDF_ said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Watch this video . And then tell me he is not better

    Sure... he’s “better” but should we really have waited 6 months for a “buff” that shows he can kill WS .... while being maxed... in 165 hits? My R4 Stark Spidey does it in 115ish. No class advantage. He’s still super basic. Which is sad because a lot of people helped test him and we were all rooting for him to be at least above average.
    That’s the problem. Why are you waiting and expecting.. that’s only a recipe for disappointment.

    Also my OMl is doing just fine . Compare him to people within his tier range.

    He is doing well . I understand your dissatisfaction, but I enjoy him. :)
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  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
    He hasnt answered a single one of my questions about oml or medusa. The synergy with x23 doesnt work either, i didnt test it on korg rock shield but it certainly doesnt remove any rock stacks from thing, no matter how much ive tried, his sp3 doesnt apply his furies, his sp2 crit bleeds seem more like a 50% chance on a crit to crit bleed and he doesnt take reduced damage and heal from willpower like hes supposed to from double edge, 4 major bugs with a champ that took forever to "fine tune" dont even get me started on medusa. Bunch of gibronis.
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  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    _ASDF_ said:

    Texas_11 said:

    _ASDF_ said:

    Texas_11 said:

    Watch this video . And then tell me he is not better

    Sure... he’s “better” but should we really have waited 6 months for a “buff” that shows he can kill WS .... while being maxed... in 165 hits? My R4 Stark Spidey does it in 115ish. No class advantage. He’s still super basic. Which is sad because a lot of people helped test him and we were all rooting for him to be at least above average.
    That’s the problem. Why are you waiting and expecting.. that’s only a recipe for disappointment.

    Also my OMl is doing just fine . Compare him to people within his tier range.

    He is doing well . I understand your dissatisfaction, but I enjoy him. :)
    Lmao. I’m not dissatisfied, I don’t have him. My R3 Sunspot outdamages that 5/65.... so I’m thrilled to have not wasted resources on OML. 🤣
    I just laughed out loud lol .thanks for that.
  • GraydroxGraydrox Member Posts: 413 ★★★

    What they originally said was the 95% reduction and extra duration applies to double edge, that is for sure, its in his spotlight and been confirmed. I also heard that the debuff can be removed with the first special you launch but of that im not certain.

    @Kabam Vydious
    Can we get an acknowledgement of this issue? I was super excited because of this exact ability.
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