What will it take for you to renew your sigil?

For me, the bug that my champions are stuck on heavy and the AI pummels me to oblivion has to stop. It's the main reason I'm not renewing since all the perks don't outweight the need to constantly spend on revives and heal potions for AQ/AW.
lower price
I don't have it and I don't plan on getting it until/if these happen
I managed to get 3 feature 5* and 1 normal 5* crystal during the month.
1k 5* shards instead of a useless 4* (I'm aware of losing out on iso from a dupe).
Trading in catalysts for bigger cats is also good.
I might buy it again when it expires in a few days.
Black market should reset weekly
Get rid of the constant reminders to renew
When exchanging for crystal upgrades, option should be given to trade in shards or full crystals, instead of just shards