Is thing eligible for LoL?
Is 5 star thing a viable champ for LoL? Presumably with the champion synergy? Has anybody tried him out there? Also what team synergy did you use to ramp base attack?
I honestly believe he could be a suitable champ for LOL given his potential damage output when you can build enough furies from his rock stacks. If you're the type of player that can hold long combos, Thing might be okay to use in LOL. Unfortunately I just don't have enough experience with him in ultra long fights. The drawback is that you'd have to keep rebuilding this fury every fight and that's kind of a drag compared to Aegon where his combo and increased in each and every fight. I am tempted to think using Thing in LOL or ROL would be similar to using let's say, Hyperion, where you can build his damage by increasing fury stacks.
I would recommend you try him out against Winter Soldier in ROL and see how long it takes for you to finish that battle. The fights in LOL are about 2-3 x longer than ROL depending on the main champ that you use.
Would I R5 5* Thing for LOL? That would be a difficult question to answer. I am a big fan of Thing for defense and not too crazy about him on offense. But he's a great and R5 worthy champ if you need to build your defense team and also need a bullet proof bleed immune XL champ for Variant 2.
To recap this long winded response: If you're not willing to wait on Aegon (dupe and high sig) or Starlord (dupe), Thing's gonna get you through LOL but will take much longer than those two other more ideal for LOL champs. Hyperion, Domino, Stark Spidey, Blade, Omega Red aren't too shabby options either.