I don't think so. I believe it has been implied if you move alliances between the end of season and when rewards go out, you may not get those rewards and may have no recourse once they have been sent out.
"Rewards for the Season will be delivered later this week/early next week. Leaving your Alliance prior to this will result in missing out on your Rewards." - Kabam
I get it and most are on hold but if you were planning on leaving and others coming. In higher alliances locking in the higher player is more important than giving the guy leaving his rewards
As annoying as this is no one is moving into your spot and forfeiting their season rewards to do so. Even big accounts want their rewards. Considering the actual earned rewards in game are becoming stale and most juicy rewards are being sold nobody is passing on season rewards to join an alliance yet. People will wait for sure until AQ starts again.
What do you mean "not if big account." Who is going to leave their alliance now and forfeit rewards for no reason whatsoever? Your alliance might want to "lock up the new guy" but what motivation is there for the new guy to leave early? He loves your alliance so much he's willing to leave now and lose his rewards, just so he can sit in your alliance and wait for everyone else to get their rewards?
What do you mean "not if big account." Who is going to leave their alliance now and forfeit rewards for no reason whatsoever? Your alliance might want to "lock up the new guy" but what motivation is there for the new guy to leave early? He loves your alliance so much he's willing to leave now and lose his rewards, just so he can sit in your alliance and wait for everyone else to get their rewards?
The ones who didn't get the chance to parachute in on the last 6 wars of the season. They're certainly not waiting for anything...
It can be more than a week, or two weeks.
If you really can't wait to join that alliance., Leave out the rewards and join...
You can't have both coming your way with the current situation.... Get your priorities straighten up..