
Maintenance Compensation Level Depends On Your In-Game Story Quest Progression - Fair or Not?

FuzzycatFuzzycat Posts: 88
edited November 2019 in General Discussion
Maintenance compensations are out and it seems the compensation level varies, depending on whether the player is Cavalier, Uncollected, Conqueror, etc i.e. story quest progression although all the players were affected by the same hours of downtime. Is this a fair way to give out the compensation or not?



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    ahock101ahock101 Posts: 118
    Total rubbish aq and aw have nothing to do with story progression
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    BDanteBDante Posts: 4

    ahock101 said:

    Total rubbish aq and aw have nothing to do with story progression

    That’s a separate compensation they’re giving out in the 20th
    Isn't it whatever they decide to do for season rewards on or around the 20th? I doubt there will be anything extra thrown in.
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    Mathking13Mathking13 Posts: 988 ★★★
    I'd say that the maintenance compensation being dependant on progression title is a fair thing, and I'd say it is fair for a similar reason for why the July 4th deals also depended on your progression title.
    The simple explanation? Let's say everyone got the Cavalier maintenance compensation package. Then let's say that 2 people made new accounts. One made their account on November 7th. The other makes their account tomorrow (not even 10 days later). Now you've got one person with a 5-star champion (that might be a corvus or a domino or something insane) and another person who doesn't. Is that fair? No. And so I think it's very reasonable that these sorts of compensation packages vary depending on your progression title...
    I mean sure I would have loved to get a 4-star crystal as well, but hey beggers can't be choosers, as they say.
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    WorknprogressWorknprogress Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Of course it's fair.
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    Scratchmaster23Scratchmaster23 Posts: 165 ★★
    Not fair, as UC and Cav players should get same compensation package as we were all affected same amount.
    Also agree that new players shouldn't get same rewards as the higher/longer playing summoners though.
    But on the whole it seems Kabam have done a good thing and finally compensating their loyal players.

    Not happy that didn't get compensated for all my lost rewards though even though some of my ally did 😔.
    Kabam can you please let us know why some people got their rewards back and some didn't?
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    Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    I have to say it’s 100% fair. However doubling that would have gone a long way to redeem them in the eyes of some.

    My time in the game, well out of the game is worth more than those who are under uncollected. On the flip side, it’s worth less than those who are Cavalier. And let me explain why.

    Story rewards.
    Those working on 6.2/6.3 who could have been working towards 100% of those acts/chapters would have lost more rewards than me who is working on my first run of 6.1 or even 100%ing act 5. Those rewards from each chamber and subsequently each act are far more valuable the higher up you go. The people with the next title over YOU, their time is more valuable.

    Also those playing at cavalier and uncollected are usually in alliances that are in higher AW tiers, and run harder maps. So they again should be rewarded more for the time loss.

    I missed my chance to do an arena grind for Cull. I had a small window of 1 1/2 days to grind and spend to refresh to get to the 4,000,000 I wanted to secure him. I had boosts all set and enough units to guarantee him. After the servers went belly up, I lost all drive to even attempt him. And his 2nd run I couldn’t even do because of RL. I’d have liked Kabam to issue everyone a 4* Cull who was over rank rewards line, but it is what it is. And again those at cavalier and uncollected usually have more diverse rosters so their time again is with more in rewards.

    People can disagree all they want. It won’t change MY opinion on the fairness of the compensation.
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    Nick1109Nick1109 Posts: 594 ★★★
    I'm not gonna complain too much I'm uncollected and enjoyed the package.
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    TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    Totally fair, these rewards would be broken for lower tier players
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    tidusx2jrtidusx2jr Posts: 182 ★★
    Everyone seems to be freaking and mentioning aq/aw but this compensation isn't for aq/aw, it has zero to do with aq/aw as kabam stated aw season rewards will be sent out on Wednesday the 20th and the compensation for aw/aq will come after those. The compensation sent today is just for the game being down for several hours and has nothing to do with anything else besides that.
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    Jaymix79Jaymix79 Posts: 233 ★★★
    The rewards were free. These rewards had nothing to do with AW and AQ. So anything that is given to us players as a bonus I call a win for everyone.
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    Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    I have to say it’s 100% fair. However doubling that would have gone a long way to redeem them in the eyes of some.

    If the compensation package was twice as high, I'd be trying to bring the servers down myself every week.
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    Priyansh7Priyansh7 Posts: 445 ★★
    It was perfect
    I am very happy with what kabam gave as a compensation
    8500 5 star shards was the best part 😂
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    Nah01Nah01 Posts: 243 ★★
    Fair. What do you want? Level 17 players got the same rewards as cavaliers?
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    tidusx2jrtidusx2jr Posts: 182 ★★

    I missed my chance to do an arena grind for Cull. I had a small window of 1 1/2 days to grind and spend to refresh to get to the 4,000,000 I wanted to secure him. I had boosts all set and enough units to guarantee him. After the servers went belly up, I lost all drive to even attempt him. And his 2nd run I couldn’t even do because of RL. I’d have liked Kabam to issue everyone a 4* Cull who was over rank rewards line, but it is what it is. And again those at cavalier and uncollected usually have more diverse rosters so their time again is with more in rewards.

    People can disagree all they want. It won’t change MY opinion on the fairness of the compensation.

    Cull only went for 2.3m tho.. 4* basics typically don't go above 3m anymore.
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    Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    tidusx2jr said:

    I missed my chance to do an arena grind for Cull. I had a small window of 1 1/2 days to grind and spend to refresh to get to the 4,000,000 I wanted to secure him. I had boosts all set and enough units to guarantee him. After the servers went belly up, I lost all drive to even attempt him. And his 2nd run I couldn’t even do because of RL. I’d have liked Kabam to issue everyone a 4* Cull who was over rank rewards line, but it is what it is. And again those at cavalier and uncollected usually have more diverse rosters so their time again is with more in rewards.

    People can disagree all they want. It won’t change MY opinion on the fairness of the compensation.

    Cull only went for 2.3m tho.. 4* basics typically don't go above 3m anymore.
    I am 100% aware of that. However I wanted no room for error. When I grind for a basic champ I want I will overshoot by a substantial margin to guarantee I get that champ.
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    VancexClaRiiVancexClaRii Posts: 178
    I'd say to those who are about to try Act 6 and Cavalier should have the same compensation. 🤔
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    AznkerbzAznkerbz Posts: 113
    Why is it that people just want hand outs these days? You vets remember how hard The Collector was; now he's practically cake with all the free calendar rewards Kabam gives out, not to mention all the money deals they send out. Doesnt make sense to give someone 6* shards when they are still opening up their 5th 5 star or still ranking up 4* champs for progression.
    Take it as a gift since it is free.
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    StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Posts: 5,017 ★★★★★
    I thought it was fair
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    KyBr77KyBr77 Posts: 5
    Not fair at all in my opinion. This should 100% feel like a slap in the face. I was basically just told that my time in game is not worth as much as others. I lost the same amount of time in arena, I lost the same amount of time in quests. The compensation should have been even across the board.

    An example, there were players overseas that most likely slept through the entire downtime. But if they had already became Cavalier they would get more compensation? It just doesn’t make any sense.

    Don’t get my words twisted here, I’m glad that we got this compensation, my expectations were extremely low. But I would love to hear from the Kabam team as to why the compensation had to be tiered the way that it was.
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