5 Star Bad Luck

Anyone else here have the worst 5 Star Luck? My last 4 have been Black Panther (Classic), Magneto, MODOK and Karnak. Does anyone else have this same luck and feel like rage quitting? Sometimes I feel like you have to be a whale to get anything good.
I have lived it, even in the last few months. Pulled a Punisher 2099 and Agent Venom sandwiched around Captain Marvel Movie, Iceman and Domino
If you let it get to you, you'll keep yourself from enjoying the game for what it is and not explore characters that aren't the best but still have some OK uses
Kamala khan
Duped rhino, civil warrior, superior ironman, Gambit, then yondu
Not good not bad
This is what the majority of my 5 star rooster resembles...now you can feel much better ;-)
Black panther(civil war)
The champion
I'm 100 away from a new one though, so hopefully this time it'll be someone who's both useful and that I like.