Drop rates

Can anyone tell me why the drop rates for a newer champ from 2018-2019 are SO FRIGGIN HORRIBLE? I have opened 11 old and basically worthless (except for arenas) 5* chumps in a row. I watch the openings for my alliance and it’s the same!!!! Not even decent defenders let alone dupes of good champs. What’s the deal Kabam?
Your 100% correct Harv, they adjust the algorithm based on the number of resources they provide, then certain months they skew the results to specific champs such as the gated-champs back in October.
What I’m saying is I’ve watched about 50 pulls and there is an apparent 80% drop rate for champs between 2016-2017. FAR fewer high tier champs are popping up. Perhaps we don’t spend enough? WAY too many Beast, Iron Patriot, Antman, spidergwen, etc etc etc.
I suggest u look at the forums, if there’s as many comments on this subject as there are, might be something to it? Not rocket science.