AQ history gone in new layout

The selection screen in AQ has gotten a rework in the latest patch but upon clicking "view" in AQ there is only the option to click continue, there is no way to see AQ history of the current cycle which we were able to previously before the layout/UI change.
Must have been removed when they made space for the upcoming “Modifiers”.
Please restore the “Previous/History” button.
(note, the “Completed” tab is only for entire completed AQ series, only useable inbetween each entire AQ series. Maybe that tab can be used for Current-Series Previous Day’s history instead).
The in-series History seems to have been removed to make room for the upcoming Map Modifier Buff selection.
Looks like HISTORY Button actually is available, but ONLY after one AQ day has ended and the Officers have yet to start the next day's AQ. It is on the screen where you choose how many BG's to run.
Still a problem in that you can’t see it anymore once you start that day's AQ.
(note, once you start it, screen reverts to my original screencap at top of this thread, without the History button)
It would be incredible if this form had 'today' on it and the data was live.
This would quickly help officers see who is missing from AQ.
Then they wouldn’t have to find room again for a History button on main screens which is too full of other stuff now.
And AGREED that there should be an easier way to see who is/was NOT in AQ (both current day, and prior days). **They basically took that away from ALL Event participation lists a long time ago (people used to be listed with a “0 Points” for Events and such, but now there Name just does not even show up in the lists at all if they are 0).
Thanks! Putting it back to how it was before is all we are asking
Last series is no longer displayed once the new one is set to start. This is new.
Just bumping this up as a hopeful reminder that the team has looked into the issue we brought up last week, so we have completed AQs info outside of the short window between one aq and another (or wait till to the end of the series).
I posted a comment similiar to this in another AQ thread and it got deleted... Don't see why.
I know we're waiting for compensation and there are a bunch of problems going on, but as I saw stated by a mod in another thread, the team responsible for AQ is not the one dealing with any of that...
So either (hopefully) that means they are working on consolidating the History into one single location (no matter if it is the in-series stats or once the series has completed).
Or, maybe because the ACTIVE tab is already showing “Coming Soon” (edited.. actually just saw other comments saying this is even incorrectly 1 day early then)... but could be that COMPLETED has always been cleared out in advance on the morning that the next Series starts (?), even though Next Series day seems bugged.
Nope. 100% it used to be there up until the moment an officer or leader launched the new series. Even if the new AQ series timer had already started countdown.
It being gone a day early isn't a big deal (personally). Just thought worth pointing out that yet another thing was not where it used to be.
Update! This was feature we did remove! However, I have heavily emphasized that many of you would like to see it implemented back into the game.
As an Alliance Leader I need to be able to look at the performance of each BG and each player over the course of an AQ series. The History button was the only way to get that information and EXTREMELY important for our alliance.
All we need is to get back the History tool we have been relying on for years.
Thank you in advance