Arena Revamp ??

Hello there !
During the maintenance of the 8th November, @Kabam Miike said "an arena revamp is on the radar"...
Do you have any information about it ? Maybe a date... Spring 2020 ? Autumn 2020 ?...
In my opinion, arenas should become more attractive and more competitive !
For example, the arenas should be :
- 3* featured w/ PHCshards and the featured below 10%
- 4* BASIC w/ PHC shards and the basic below 10%
- 4* featured w/ entire PHC and the featured below 10%
- 5* featured w/ GMC shards and the featured for the 250-500 top
- INTRODUCING : 5* BASIC w/ GMC shards and the basic below 10% or the 800 firsts
- In the future, maybe a 6* BASIC or a 6* FEATURED w/ GMC crystals ?
For the 5* --> This is NOT a secret, there are A LOT of bots breaking the arenas, this is why cutoffs are so high even for basics !!
If you create a new 5* basic arena, you'll split grinders in two pools : endgame players and some bots for the featured AND the classic player and some bots for the basic.
For the 5* featured, the leaderboard is broken (200M for top1 and 83M for the 150th !), it could be a good move to increase the top rank from 150 to 250.
It will be motivating to be rewarded for our efforts even if we don't reach the top tier !
Now, most of us have a solid roster to go further than the actual highest milestone, it could be interesting to add more.
Last but not least : the milestones rewards !
When we aim the 5* featured, who cares about PHCs ?! We should get (at least) GMC shards !
For the 3* featured and 4* basic milestones rewards should stay w/ shards (but more than presently).
For the 4* featured, we should get fully formed PHCs and the rank to obtain the champ is 1-10% (instead of top 800).
For the 5* basic and featured, we should get GMC shards and respectively...
Other suggestion
In the 5* arena : you could get the featured from 1 to 250, and you get a basic from 250 to 10%, but I think it's still unfair and it would be a little bit messy...
Thanks for reading
(As usual please excuse my English if you notice some errors, I don't use a trasnlator)
During the maintenance of the 8th November, @Kabam Miike said "an arena revamp is on the radar"...
Do you have any information about it ? Maybe a date... Spring 2020 ? Autumn 2020 ?...
In my opinion, arenas should become more attractive and more competitive !
For example, the arenas should be :
- 3* featured w/ PHCshards and the featured below 10%
- 4* BASIC w/ PHC shards and the basic below 10%
- 4* featured w/ entire PHC and the featured below 10%
- 5* featured w/ GMC shards and the featured for the 250-500 top
- INTRODUCING : 5* BASIC w/ GMC shards and the basic below 10% or the 800 firsts
- In the future, maybe a 6* BASIC or a 6* FEATURED w/ GMC crystals ?
For the 5* --> This is NOT a secret, there are A LOT of bots breaking the arenas, this is why cutoffs are so high even for basics !!
If you create a new 5* basic arena, you'll split grinders in two pools : endgame players and some bots for the featured AND the classic player and some bots for the basic.
For the 5* featured, the leaderboard is broken (200M for top1 and 83M for the 150th !), it could be a good move to increase the top rank from 150 to 250.
It will be motivating to be rewarded for our efforts even if we don't reach the top tier !
Now, most of us have a solid roster to go further than the actual highest milestone, it could be interesting to add more.
Last but not least : the milestones rewards !
When we aim the 5* featured, who cares about PHCs ?! We should get (at least) GMC shards !
For the 3* featured and 4* basic milestones rewards should stay w/ shards (but more than presently).
For the 4* featured, we should get fully formed PHCs and the rank to obtain the champ is 1-10% (instead of top 800).
For the 5* basic and featured, we should get GMC shards and respectively...
Other suggestion
In the 5* arena : you could get the featured from 1 to 250, and you get a basic from 250 to 10%, but I think it's still unfair and it would be a little bit messy...
Thanks for reading
(As usual please excuse my English if you notice some errors, I don't use a trasnlator)
But now, 5 stars champ are a standard because 4 stars are useless...
I only play versus mode to get some gold, units and BCs (and ranking rewards) but the arenas could be much more better...
I hope Kabam will considere this suggestion (or others) to make this mode great again (oupsi, I speak like T***p
We pay the entrance w/ 10k BCs for example and we can grind gold crystals and/or gold directly.
2) Remove the reward ie the champ they got by cheating
3) Give that champ to the next man down that didn't bot
4) Have a milestone that guarantees a champ which doesn't necessarily have to be the same champ
They want to revamp arenas, let's give them juicy ideas
@WarHawk_Taz_1 here is the post of Kabam Miike
Implementations on arenas are required because end-gamers are digging the gap between them and "regular" players due to cavalier crystals !
If you don't spend, or you pay just a few dollars/month, the game is very slow even if you play all the arenas for ranking rewards and all EQs.
I totally agree with you, there should be more milestones for all arenas !
For example, Venom is my favorite champ in the game, but the cutoff was about 30M which is pretty high for a champ that a lot of people already have.
I'm asking for champs such as Domino, Corvus or Ghost every week, but from time to time it would be great
And believe me, if they're creating it, tons of players will play it just like we did with 4* basic arena
I really hope Kabam will read this thread