Member Posts: 325 ★★
So I wasn't sure if this should be in known issues or here, anyway I know this WAS An issue a while back and thought this was fixed but cap iw unstoppable nullify still isn't working properly, specially against thing & annihilus. In the doom/fantastic invasions I've only been able to nullify unstoppable maybe 75% of the time, yes I made sure I was kinetic ally charged, it's also happened against juggernaut alot. With thing if u trigger on the 16th hit it doesn't nullify unstoppable 100% of the time, so please look into this again, it's very frustrating to eat combos because u think u can attack into a opponent who's unstoppable, I'm sure I'm not the only way still experiencing this.
Cap nullifies unstoppable so it won't work
For annihilus, when cosmic control rod is active, he's immune to nullify
Thing is immune to nullify. It's one of his basic abilities.
Annihilus is immune to Nullify whilst his Cosmic Control Rod is active. It's one of his basic abilities. You're trying to Nullify his Unstoppable, but instead you're removing the Rod, and giving a still-Unstoppable Annihilus three potent Fury buffs. So, you might want to stop doing that.
For what it's worth, there is a bug worth knowing about with Caps abilities; but it's that his Petrify debuff doesn't seem effective on Dr Doom's Aura of Haazerath.
Hope that's helpful!
Hope that's helpful!
I just faced Doom with Cap in the epic quest yesterday and he shut down Doom’s aura. Never activated the whole fight.
Yeah a few people in the bug thread saying it's working now
Cool. Good to know that's had a hotfix.
Thanks @Matty_Ice, @Worknprogress
To those who can't help but be Internet Jerks, it's people like u that will end up killing this game and alot of games like it because newer players can't ask questions without being treated like complete morons cause they don't know and can't quote the abilities of 150+ different champs in this game, I prob would have had more time to read those abilities, but the games a hobby, so instead of mesmerizing all the abilities, I actually go out into the world and live a life that doesn't involve a screen alot of u should try it some tice, well prob not cause then you would be treated like u treat others behind a keyboard.
Actually had to rewrite a couple of times because the lack of verbal tone makes it very easy to sound condescending in text, and I wanted to avoid that.
And you make a very fair point about there being a heck of a lot of champs to know and understand for newer or more casual players.
People could be more polite to be sure, but that goes both ways. Every day someone is complaining about a problem that doesn't actually exist, and then behaves like it is the game's fault they don't know everything. It tends to create a reciprocal response.
I've probably answered the question "Why doesn't Cap remove unstoppable in situation X" over thirty times in the last year. But I often lay off the "OMG Cap is bugged" threads simply because I know what the response is going to be. As, to be honest, I did with this thread when I first saw it.
Issue is, people respond well to politely asked questions, and troll those who are asking to be trolled. People who phrase questions this way tend to think they know it all without actually spending time and effort to gather their facts from what’s available. That’s what ticks people off.
I admit, I love trolling people who are like that. 😊
I get CAPIW unable to nullify unstoppable all the time. YES I HAVE CHARGES. NO ITS NOT THE NODE. It is random. I can fight the same fight twice and get different results. I see this point argued a lot so I understand all the variables. I see it on Juggernaut but mostly on Unstoppable Colossus. I have it happening right now on Rhino in the Mole Man exhibition Quest 4. I haven't read anything yet to convince me there is not a bug.