I finally got a response on the Inequity mastery

TeamMeanGreenTeamMeanGreen Member Posts: 37
edited November 2019 in Bugs and Known Issues
Stop by and chime in if you would be excited to see this change!

To Blaze, and the kabam team,

I sincerely appreciate the concern that you have shown over this particular issue regarding the inequity mastery, and wish to emphasize that it would be greatly appreciated by a large amount of players within the fanbase if we could find a way to address this particular matter on which many people have felt ignored on.

To do the best I can to assist you in making the proper adjustments I will provide as much information as possible.

—when making the purchase, The current in game description of the inequity mastery currently states “Passively reduce enemy Attack by %2 for each debuff they are currently suffering from, up to a maximum of %36.”

—- The bottom line here is that kabam has already announced early in the year of 2018 that they understood that this mastery was only reducing the enemy’s base attack, rather than modified attack

——The problem was supposedly fixed by the development team to satisfy the players, and announced on the forums by kabam Mike to be implented into the game during february of 2018... Just hours before the update... this fix was cancelled.

This matter affected me personally because I just recently took advantage of what I thought was a great offer in the store, and purchased 4 carb cores for $20 U.S.

While browsing upon my options I stumbled upon inequity for the first time and instantly fell in love after reading the description, and disd not hesitate to purchase it.

^^^^^The reason being is that capTain america INfinity war is my favorite, and most used character, and is able to place debuffs on the opponent at ease... when using the proper synergy team.

This isn’t a mastery that can be taken advantage of by many, as it requires the ability to place a large number of debuffs,... so making the proper change should not create an unbalance in the contest.

I do believe this change needs to be made however, as inequity was a very expensive skill to unlock... one of the very few that costs multiple carb cores, and the way it is currently working is rather useless.

For a maxed out inequity, As it is now when fighting a weak act 1 champion a %6 decrease in attack can be applied for each debuff, and can provide up to a %36 reduction in attack as intended to do.

Unfortunately anybody who is capable of unlocking this mastery, has probably already beat act1 Several years ago as we are now in year 5 of the game.

In today’s content, act 6- there is a %500 attack boost applied. And only 1/6th of that can be affected by the inequity mastery.

So instead of having their attack reduced by %36.... the maximum amount an enemy can have their attack lowered by the mastery... the amount is actually only %6 rather than %36... that 6% is a very low figure, and it is even more saddening that SIX debuffs must be applied to achieve this minuscule amount.

Base attack 100
Global node +500%
Modified attack= 100+ (100x5)= 600 attack

Inequity effect
600- (36% of 100) =——->564
Modified attack-36%of base attack


Therefore the max reduction that can be applied in today’s content is only 6% which is SIGNIFICANTLY lower than the intended %36

Many players have expressed concern about this issue on the forums. Please take this into consideration, and find a way to make this right.

Thank you for your attention.


  • TheBestinTuakauTheBestinTuakau Member Posts: 955 ★★★
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  • TheBestinTuakauTheBestinTuakau Member Posts: 955 ★★★
    100% totally not fake
  • TeamMeanGreenTeamMeanGreen Member Posts: 37
    edited November 2019
    I think I hit it right on the head by saying that there is no such thing as a champion with a high base rating other than within act1 where nobody even has enough mastery points to unlock the first tier of inequity.
  • TeamMeanGreenTeamMeanGreen Member Posts: 37
    Very close to %100 of today’s enemy attack rating comes from node boosts which are completely unaffected by this particular mastery
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  • TeamMeanGreenTeamMeanGreen Member Posts: 37
    They are probably just afraid to make the chamge because 36% is a large reduction when you are talking about opponents who can hit for 1-2k through a perfectly timed parry.
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  • TeamMeanGreenTeamMeanGreen Member Posts: 37
    edited November 2019
    But just as deep wounds can only help characters who are capable of inflicting bleed, and mystix dispersion only helps mystic characters.... this is a mastery which helps an even smaller number of characters! Those that can apply 6 debuffs!!!
    This has potential to be beneficial.... but not game breaking!
  • TheBestinTuakauTheBestinTuakau Member Posts: 955 ★★★

    I think I hit it right on the head by saying that there is no such thing as a champion with a high base rating other than within act1 where nobody even has enough mastery points to unlock the first tier of inequity.

    Act 2? Back issues 1, 2 and 3? First chapter or RTTL? They don't have a high base rating. Did you forget about those?
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,949 Guardian
    This issue again ???

    Frankly, the “we are aware of it, working toward a solution, no estimated time for change” is rather standard vernacular for those Support Ticket responses, who may not always know that particular issues are working as intended.

    I would much rather go by what has been said in the Forums by the moderators up here, who seem to have a much better grasp of issues in the game from the community as a whole. Instead of maybe some room full of support desk people looking at individual complaints one at a time, and have maybe only a few minutes that they can dedicate to sending out generic replies.

    I would not take that Support Reponse as any new change in course vs what has already been stated up in Forums here.

    And as to “applies to Base Stats” vs “Boosted Stats”, remember back when Ironman/SIM/Ultron on the high Health boosted AW boss nodes used to actually regenerate health based on their Boosted Health ? There was a lot of stuff in the game that was changed since that time to only work on Base Health/Attack instead of Boosted values.
  • TeamMeanGreenTeamMeanGreen Member Posts: 37
    edited November 2019
    That is just silly.
    You are comparing something that is a non damage dealing effect, with a 6% figure none the less.....
    to an entirely direct hp effect that is designed to heal OVER 50%

    And to answer your question... No I don’t remember that, because the game has, and continues to evolve drastically since 2015.
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    As we already stated in THIS thread, we have no new information to share with you at this time about the Inequity Mastery. However, as soon as we do, we'll be sure to let you all know!
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