Coming January 2020... Dr. Deadpool! This amazing new champion has sacrificed his Bleed debuff to increase his Regeneration, gaining 100% of his max health every 1 second(s). His duped ability, "Cash Grab," allows him to instantly knock out the opponent in one punch! Upgrading this ability increases how long he dances after a K.O.! His Synergy with any 1 star, 2 star, 3 star, 4 star, 5 star, or 6 star champion allows every champion on Dr. Deadpool's team (except Dr. Deadpool) to have a 99% chance to immediately win a fight before it starts! Get this new champion by buying the Cavalier exclusive PhD Crystal Bundle for $1,999.99 in the Unit Store, with a 0.0001% chance of getting a 3 or 4 star Dr. Deadpool! And, to awaken this amazing champion, purchase the Dr. Deadpool Awakening Bundle for $999.99! This champion will only be available for a limited time, so act now!
Warlock is way better IMO