I gotta know, why is he so underrated??

I'm curious as to why Mephisto is so underrated? He's been super valuable to me, and has so many pros, so I'm just wondering about everyone's opinion on his cons?
As for his sp3, your opponent has to have two bars of power, then you'll drain their power completely and get permanent aura.
Night Thrasher and Annihilus are also very useful...is Iceman immune also? I forget lol.
EDIT: Yeah Void, Sunspot and Torch, forgetting more important ones than I thought smh.
Mephisto’s power gain and regen are cool, but his soul imprisonment is more useful IMO.
Regardless, if you like him, don’t let us sway your opinion, just have fun and enjoy the game.
Mephisto is very underrated though. Yes, he hits like a wet noodle, but he can’t have it all.
Pulled him as 5* yesterday. My 5/50 helped me a lot on the middle path in the epic invasions.
Again, when I said the best incinerate immune, I meant cause he's more than just immune, he uses it for power gain.. sure there are better damage champs with the immunity too, but they can't do anything else Mephisto does.
Here is a list of pros, now let me see your cons lists! (and if I left out any pros)
-Poison immune
-Immune to Frostbite/Coldsnap
-Incinerate immune/turns it into power gain
-Power gain off his Aura Of Incineration
-Immune to Ability Accuracy Reduction
-Can deal decent Incinerate damage on Sp1
-Power drain up to two bars on Sp3
-Shuts down opponent buffs at start of fight, and can keep them shut down all fight
-Can regen from 30% to almost 100%
-Doesn't take damage while regen-ing (won't die from attacks that would normally KO)
-Big damage with The Champion synergy
-Valuable synergies with other useful champs
He’s a good champ, but not great...maybe others don’t do everything he does, but there are ones that do some of what he does better, on top of their own unique abilities.