The Plight of the Conqueror

As the game shifts more towards story progression-based rewards, the gap between those not uncollected yet and those who are uncollected keeps widening. Being a conqueror means you’ve beaten maestro and are on your way to the collector fight. The road to the collector is tough, and the rewards for conquerors should acknowledge that in order to help those stuck on the road. But the conquerors are being lumped in with those who have only beaten Thanos? Why is this the case? Conquerors were left unacknowledged with monthly calendars and now the cyber weekend, given mainly four star shards for their efforts, when in reality, conquerors tend to have more than a couple five stars to their name. It just feels like we’ve been kicked to the way-side and our progression means nothing until we beat the collector, but it’s much harder to do so when you keep getting loot at a lower tier than what you operate at. Your collection should determine more, like how it determines your tier in dungeons.


  • JtarunJtarun Member Posts: 86
    @CrainOnTheBrain it must seem frustrating but let me tell u from experience (I did the collector fight around the time it came out) it's possible with a good set of 4/40s and skill
  • EdeuinkEdeuink Member Posts: 1,262 ★★★★
    I have 2 points to make
    1. I see many people with 4/55 champions who are not uncollected. Tiered rewards should incentivize them to get uncollected
    2. Five stars are not necessary for getting uncollected. An extreme example would be having a 5 star Hulkbuster and 4 star Hyperion. Which one work better for the collector?
  • Leonjr8719Leonjr8719 Member Posts: 146
    Honestly i see op point in this. But at the same time I only used one 5* to get uncollected (unduped Corvus) and I have 12. My maxed 4 stars were enough to get me there. The time it’s going to take you to get good 5*s much less dupe good ones is a long time. If you want a cake walk it’s going to take time. If you want those rewards work on your gameplay. Save units and practice. It’s what I did.

    You just have to have confidence in your skills and champs. The rewards will be worth it in the end
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  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    I dunno, man. My kids just finished act 5, and while they would love to get 6 stars, they honestly can only rank 4 and 5. They are inconsistent in beating uncollected monthly events, and as such aren’t ready for act 6 and variant, etc. So 100% act 5 in on the menu, and ranking champs that work there (like blade) ahead of champs that work in the future. It’s just progression balance. They need rank 4 5* blade more than a 6* random champ, and T4b more than t5. They don’t need t5cc at all, but always need T4cc (low level alliance play).

    That said, the whole point of doing act 5 100% is that first rank 5. If they calendars made that happen first (or if you just whale your way there as many did this weekend), then what’s the point of it?

  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    I do see and generally agree with the points made. However, there is a notable difference in difficulty between Thanos and Maestro for an up and coming player. The jump between Thanos and The Collector is that much more. So, while it currently does further incentivize chasing The Collector, what harm could come from giving Conqueror Title holders their own tier? Just some food for thought as it does seem a little odd to me. Doesn't apply to me in the slightest, but I do see how it's a bit strange.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    I did it with 1 5/50 and 4 4/40s on the questing team. I got uncollected before there was any sort of distinction among the “collecteds”. Just grind through. But to be completely honest with u, the Maestro/act 4 isn’t hard at all compared to act 5. It’s just long as all get out. Whenever I see these posts, I immediately think, just push for uncollected! At this point in the game, it’s not that hard! All you need is some good 4/40s or a handful of decent 5/50s and a forum post asking for help getting through and all that’s left is some tapping.
  • CrainOnTheBrainCrainOnTheBrain Member Posts: 86
    I understand and agree with what many people have said thus far. You can definitely do it with a high level four star, but the point I’m trying to make is that they give out the title of conqueror but don’t really reward that title. With that being the case, why even have conquerors at all? I’m not saying hand out five stars left and right, but reward them slightly higher than the Proven tier. A little bit more of a push to help people become uncollected
  • GimmeCullGimmeCull Member Posts: 52
    I agree with the o.p.

    To me (my opinion), the calendar should incentivise players to login every day because it should reward them with at least one useful thing a day to help them make the next jump.

    I'll never turn my nose up at four star shards, as they will always give that option to dupe a champ for 5* shards and ISO.

    BUT the other things need to improve for conquerors.

    I've seen this months calendar. Bar Annihilus, level 4 catalyst and the 4 star shards, the rest is underwhelming.

    The gold denominations (i understand that they are free) are just poor.

    Could have at least granted gold Crystals instead.
  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★

    I understand and agree with what many people have said thus far. You can definitely do it with a high level four star, but the point I’m trying to make is that they give out the title of conqueror but don’t really reward that title. With that being the case, why even have conquerors at all? I’m not saying hand out five stars left and right, but reward them slightly higher than the Proven tier. A little bit more of a push to help people become uncollected

    To be fair you could make the same argument for the Elder’s Bane title - 100%ing the entirety of Act 5 requires a lot more skill and effort than completing 5.1/5.2 once, yet there is nothing tangible that comes with the title, and Uncollected players have to make the jump between 5.2 and 6.1 to see any additional benefits.

    The point I’m making is that just because there is a shiny new title associated with a certain milestone, it does not necessarily mean that you should expect extra rewards or benefits to come with it.

    Being completely honest (and I’m not trying to be rude here), I don’t think Conquerors need extra free resources to become Uncollected. A single run through 5.1 and 5.2 is very non-champion specific, and can feasibly be done with any number of 4/40s and 5/50s. And at the end of the day, the current progression-based system is very unlikely to change, so I’d just use it as a great incentive to get hustling towards that next milestone.
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