Who to R5? or R2... another one of these...

Blackshadow0203Blackshadow0203 Member Posts: 171
edited December 2019 in Strategy and Tips
Hello! this is my first time doing one of these but I know there is a ton of these on the forums so sorry for another one. I just needed some input on who as a 5* to take to R5 or as a 6* to take to R2. Thanks for voting if you do, I really appreciate it!

Who to R5? or R2... another one of these... 22 votes

5* Namor (sig 158)
Jim0172ScholiaCrazyAlboXxLoganTDCxXLordRaymond3Bigmf99StevieManWonderMiStaLovaEinfachSosteampittjonzerIbby 12 votes
5* blade (sig 35)
DOKTOROKTOPUSSavio444M1k0rinOwl_0wl 4 votes
5* Ghost (unawakened and no 5* versions of ant-man or wasp)
Lvernon15FhfjghhggggjfhfjgEtjama 3 votes
6* killmonger(unawakened)
HK808 1 vote
6* korg(unawakened)
Synq_SpawnzyyLovek 2 votes
keep on waiting there pal


  • jonzerjonzer Member Posts: 161
    5* Namor (sig 158)
    Namor is probably the best especially with that high sig. but blade is decent to
  • Blackshadow0203Blackshadow0203 Member Posts: 171
    jonzer said:

    Namor is probably the best especially with that high sig. but blade is decent to

    Thx for the input!

  • Blackshadow0203Blackshadow0203 Member Posts: 171
    Also wanted to say that I have yet to do LOL
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    5* Ghost (unawakened and no 5* versions of ant-man or wasp)
    It’s between ghost and namor, you can’t go wrong with either, I chose ghost due to how good she is in act 7, haven’t seen that much if namor there but chances are that’s because he’s newer
  • NatoradeNatorade Member Posts: 34

    Also wanted to say that I have yet to do LOL

    Ant-man doesn’t matter that much, it’s hood and wasp that matter most to Ghost.
  • NatoradeNatorade Member Posts: 34
    Do you have stark spidey and ghost rider?
  • Blackshadow0203Blackshadow0203 Member Posts: 171
    Natorade said:

    Do you have stark spidey and ghost rider?

    I have both as 5*'s. GR is R4 and Starky i got recently as a 5* so he's only R1
  • Blackshadow0203Blackshadow0203 Member Posts: 171
    edited December 2019
    Lvernon15 said:

    It’s between ghost and namor, you can’t go wrong with either, I chose ghost due to how good she is in act 7, haven’t seen that much if namor there but chances are that’s because he’s newer

    Act 7? that exists?!?! lol, they're both really good.
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  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    5* Namor (sig 158)
    I'd go with Namor before Ghost. Ghost is a better champ, but unless you know how to use her without her synergies, she can be very frustrating to play. Namor doesn't need any synergies and you have him at a good sig level. As a side note, neither Killmonger nor Korg are particularly good options to r2, especially unawakened Korg. As far as ranking six stars, you're better off ranking up five stars unless you pull a six star who is really good even unawakened like Corvus, Domino, Ghost, or the likes. Killmonger is a great champ, but at this time in the game, a maxed five star one or even an awakened, low sig one has more value than an unawakened six star Killmonger at r2.
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