Sunspot questions

AstoundsAstounds Member Posts: 323 ★★
So I pulled a 5 star sunspot today from the anniversary gift (thank you Kabam btw). And I know he has a ton of ramp up damage and has incinerate but that's about it.

So my questions are is he r4/r5 worthy? I know this is a question that's a little loaded because everyone has different opinions but I'm hesitant to rank him up just for raw damage and incinerate.

Second question: Does he need to be awakened?

And lastly I'm just looking for tips on how to play him honestly. I kind of get the idea to hit a few sp1s, then hit a big damage sp2? Not sure about that even.

Any input at all is greatly appreciated.


  • GnotnusGnotnus Member Posts: 89
    Apparantely he is r4 even r5 worthy. But I also wonder about this dude's ability.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    He doesn’t seem to have that much but he has a lot of ‘hidden utility’ a little like caiw, on the surface all he really has is damage and perfect parry, but when you play him a lot you find the value in his play style, he deals a ton of damage in not many hits, which allows him to deal with scenarios where you don’t want to give the opponent much power, perfect parry synergises with another line in the parry mastery, you can land much more than a 5 combo during a parry, the parry being perfect for the combo is extremely valuable, in stun immune fights or fights where you can’t parry all attacks like imiw you can parry the 1st hit and bait a heavy without taking any damage, this also works for annoying specials, if you parry the first hit of war machine’s l1 and block the rest you take 0 damage, and having that big burst with the l2 means you can somewhat bypass a problem phase in a fight, in terms of his sig, it increases his reach to kill in 1 cycle, but with the current health pools it’s rarely that useful
  • Lieto92Lieto92 Member Posts: 1
    The two main things Sunspot brings to the table are: Perfect block, even for whole specials if you parry the first hit & very strong damage from the SP2 (& the SP1 to an extent). The incinerates don't deal all that much damage, they are mainly helping you to keep up your solar charges (and a valuable on some endgame nodes and interact nicely with the despair mastery).

    How I play Sunspot: Parry and do a 5-hit combo. The opponent now has 5 incinerate debuffs on him. As long as there is an incinerate on him, you have a 100% chance to perfect block on a parry, increasing the stun duration by a lot. Now you parry again and charge up the heavy. Doing so siphones back the incinerates and feeds Sunspot power and "reloads" your solar charges. Release your heavy shortly before the stun expires. Repeat that process and chain in a few SP1s. The SP1 lets you stack additional flare states. For each stack of flare state, you get a prowess buff when activating your SP2, increasing the damage of the SP2 by 200% each. Additionally, the number of flare states also determines the number of incinerates placed on the opponent, allowing you to siphon power more quickly. But be careful, each incinerate on the opponent will cost you 1 solar charge. When the solar charges are completely drained, you loose all flare states you have built up (i.e. you can't incinerate the opponent and therefore won't be able to perfect block on the parries). The SP3 will reset your charges to the starting amount.

    Unawakend Sunspot starts with 80 solar charges. If you play correctly, you should be able to keep up at least 3 flare states which is more than enough in most matchups IMO. Awakening Sunspot and feeding him sig stones increases the solar charges he starts with and the amount restored by the SP3. It also has an effect on Sunspot's synergies.
    It is very nice to have, but he's a great champion without it.

    His perfect block on parries makes him very viable for endgame content, since you don't take any chip damage. Additionally, his damage cap is insane. However, he takes some time to figure out and to practice his playstyle. It is well worth the effort though IMO.

    Congrats on your pull!

    P.S.: Seatin has couple of videos on Sunspot on his channel (e.g., so do other Youtubers. Watching them play Sunspot helps getting a better feel on how to play him.
  • Bpn88855Bpn88855 Member Posts: 464 ★★
    Lvernon15 said:

    He doesn’t seem to have that much but he has a lot of ‘hidden utility’ a little like caiw, on the surface all he really has is damage and perfect parry, but when you play him a lot you find the value in his play style, he deals a ton of damage in not many hits, which allows him to deal with scenarios where you don’t want to give the opponent much power, perfect parry synergises with another line in the parry mastery, you can land much more than a 5 combo during a parry, the parry being perfect for the combo is extremely valuable, in stun immune fights or fights where you can’t parry all attacks like imiw you can parry the 1st hit and bait a heavy without taking any damage, this also works for annoying specials, if you parry the first hit of war machine’s l1 and block the rest you take 0 damage, and having that big burst with the l2 means you can somewhat bypass a problem phase in a fight, in terms of his sig, it increases his reach to kill in 1 cycle, but with the current health pools it’s rarely that useful

    Thanks for a detailed description! I am preparing for 6.2.6 champion and thinking about some options. So if sunspot have high perfect block, would be good option for champ? Or still better someone who will deal with unstoppable?
  • AstoundsAstounds Member Posts: 323 ★★
    Lieto92 said:

    The two main things Sunspot brings to the table are: Perfect block, even for whole specials if you parry the first hit & very strong damage from the SP2 (& the SP1 to an extent). The incinerates don't deal all that much damage, they are mainly helping you to keep up your solar charges (and a valuable on some endgame nodes and interact nicely with the despair mastery).

    How I play Sunspot: Parry and do a 5-hit combo. The opponent now has 5 incinerate debuffs on him. As long as there is an incinerate on him, you have a 100% chance to perfect block on a parry, increasing the stun duration by a lot. Now you parry again and charge up the heavy. Doing so siphones back the incinerates and feeds Sunspot power and "reloads" your solar charges. Release your heavy shortly before the stun expires. Repeat that process and chain in a few SP1s. The SP1 lets you stack additional flare states. For each stack of flare state, you get a prowess buff when activating your SP2, increasing the damage of the SP2 by 200% each. Additionally, the number of flare states also determines the number of incinerates placed on the opponent, allowing you to siphon power more quickly. But be careful, each incinerate on the opponent will cost you 1 solar charge. When the solar charges are completely drained, you loose all flare states you have built up (i.e. you can't incinerate the opponent and therefore won't be able to perfect block on the parries). The SP3 will reset your charges to the starting amount.

    Unawakend Sunspot starts with 80 solar charges. If you play correctly, you should be able to keep up at least 3 flare states which is more than enough in most matchups IMO. Awakening Sunspot and feeding him sig stones increases the solar charges he starts with and the amount restored by the SP3. It also has an effect on Sunspot's synergies.
    It is very nice to have, but he's a great champion without it.

    His perfect block on parries makes him very viable for endgame content, since you don't take any chip damage. Additionally, his damage cap is insane. However, he takes some time to figure out and to practice his playstyle. It is well worth the effort though IMO.

    Congrats on your pull!

    P.S.: Seatin has couple of videos on Sunspot on his channel (e.g., so do other Youtubers. Watching them play Sunspot helps getting a better feel on how to play him.

    This was one of the more in depth answers to anything I've asked on here and I really appreciate it. I'll have to try this out a little while I try to find t2a somewhere! Thanks a bunch @Lieto92
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