Why balance champions? Then balance all - Not Fair

MK77MK77 Member Posts: 18
Hi am way disappointed every time you guys do this! It takes ages to find a good champion spend money. I waited months and months to get Namor, Cul or any worthy. Just to have this from you! Are you guys even serious on this. Its a game let people have fun and don't just change after months. Make the right decision before releasing a champion so we don't have to suffer.

Time is money and we spend real money as well! We you guys just take the time spend its already too much and we don't need this!

What balance means for you???? Than all the champions in the game should be balanced!

Please consider this its not fair to us! Think before you release!

We don't accept this, if you want to buff other champions that's fine but please don't do these too often changes. Its hard for us to keep up and if we consider the time spent its not fair!

I love the game and am very thankful for your hard work to bring this into reality.

Keep up the best work and all the best for future!

Best Regards


  • WoogieboogieWoogieboogie Member Posts: 340 ★★
    Yup more focused on them because they see act 6 and the new abyss as a unit grab. And when nodes are bypassed or ignored that just makes them even more furious. So out come the armor reflects 25% of damage taken. While Karnak still useless, hulk buster is busted broke from the cull fight 🤣😂. Not to mention all the other meme 2014-2016 champs. Leave these alone and fix others. Really disappointed in this whole thing. Since I awakened namor r4 and just pulled my 4-5 from v4....
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    all their talks about rebalancing is just in very bad taste. people spending thousands r too far gone to even look at the game balance perspective and kabam needs to keep the balance to the game, but they need that buzz, initial word of mouth too to maximise sell ,so they dont rework them right out the gate or even keep balance before releasing ,we do get lot of bugs and issues with newly released champs as well like new aarkus vision, havent seen any notes of him if he works as intended or bugged but his damage is off the charts like hyperion's! n both has massive power gain too. but unless "LOUD" voices of community or people connected to kabam from youtubers raise their concern about this unfair practices ,nothing will happen. and i absolutely agree if rebalance was going to happen, rebalance every single champ even the most Op (domino,hyperion,corvus,etc) from past or completely worthless ones from past (groot,venompool,ironman all suits ,loki,jane foster etc and many more)!! or atleast release the guidelines on what is considered 'TOo OP' for them and needs a nerf so we would only invest in already balanced champs .
  • JayPafJayPaf Member Posts: 6
    They are just f*#king with us...I am really getting mad! First of all I am trying to do all of the quest to get as much rewards as possible, spending units like crazy to get it done, surely like everybody else..and I started to make records of my drops, for last half year I haven’t recieved any atleast demigod tier champion, 90% were 2014-2015...and if not it was Diablo or some **** like this....I got my Namor and Cull from featured cavs so I was really really happy with these pulls..I used my awakening gems, sig stones and rank them to rank 5! So I finally have something good for questing and I am pretty happy about it because 5* were really bad for me so now I have 2 only good champions at R5 and they want to nerf/REBALANCE them?? Sorry but this is not fair! And the fact I opened 30+ 5* and none of them were worth rank up makes it even worse...they give you bad champions, so you keep grinding quests, spending units in furious chase for 5-6* shards in vision of having fine drop like aegon, fury, omega etc but all u get is meme tier....this fact of bad drops made me thinking about stop playing this game but as most of u guys here I still have a small hope of that these odds of bad 5* will change...and now all I can read about is that the only joy on my account I get on R5 is gonna get nerf or rebalance? Srsly how much money you need to make to stop making this??? 1.4b in one cyber weekend and you still need to make hard for us? So we spent more?

    they think it is easy to ramp up Cull? ( it is really not in endgame content!!!! ) and Namor takes very good practice and time to be good with him!

    Please stop!!! Make sure what u are releasing before you release it! We pay you alot of money so make a team who will test new champs enough so this wont happen again! Because it is nonsense if you make champions just to MAKE people spent thousands of units on getting them and then maxing them out and after half year you nerf them???? Who give me back 10k units I spent on getting this namor? Not even RDT is enough as a compensation if you do anything to these champions!
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Yeah Kabam be perfect! (Or release a bunch of uninspired, lackluster trash that no one wants to play for or cares to get because we’ll threaten you every time you have to correct a mistake with character design.)
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    Rhysi0_ said:

    Why do people complain before even knowing the details of the changes...If players choose to spend thousands on new champs knowing that Kabam can change them at anytime then it’s the risk you take...just take a second and think of the poor guy who wasn’t as lucky as you and has a duped 6* Ebony Maw...luck works both ways...

    True. Fully agree with you here.
  • MK77MK77 Member Posts: 18
    Plus me too I use awakening gem,
    Rhysi0_ said:

    Why do people complain before even knowing the details of the changes...If players choose to spend thousands on new champs knowing that Kabam can change them at anytime then it’s the risk you take...just take a second and think of the poor guy who wasn’t as lucky as you and has a duped 6* Ebony Maw...luck works both ways...

    Dear I agree with you! Buff them but why change the other? We are not against buffing a champion. Its about being fair! So many useless champions (specially when you see the drop rate) and where is the balance?
  • MK77MK77 Member Posts: 18
    edited December 2019
    My point and question to Kabam is about balance? Where does it exit in the game? Crystal drop rate. champions, rewards, being fair, fixing issue? If they want to balance them than at least do justice!
  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    Nobody in this thread knows what they are changing on cull/namor

    They said Cull was gonna remain a top damage dealer but maybe they take just a little bit of damage away for more survivability or a shorter ramp up time
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    regardless if this is what they are actually doing, "re balancing" feels like selling something they know is great with the intention of lessening its value after the purchases are final. either they know their own game and see the abilities perform prior to release or they are clueless as to what will happen when the champ enters the game and only find out when we discover.
  • thetaman23thetaman23 Member Posts: 43
    When did kabam mentioned "balancing" namor?.I do not recall them stating this anywhere. This includes after they stated Naw and Cull changes will be pushed to a later date.
  • cUbA_LiBrEcUbA_LiBrE Member Posts: 1,123 Guardian
    edited December 2019

    When did kabam mentioned "balancing" namor?.I do not recall them stating this anywhere. This includes after they stated Naw and Cull changes will be pushed to a later date.

    There was a translated post of the Chinese mcoc site. The release notes contained the info that namor would be balanced. You can Google it.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    As we've mentioned previously, the balance updates are not happening until February and information about them will be shared with everyone in January.
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