Is MCOC trying to tell me something?

At the moment I have 19 5* , with only 1 r4 and only 3 out of 19 awakened. The 1 r4 champ is Gwen Pool unawakened. Recently I opened 2 featured crystals and duped Man-Thing...twice. I was going to take up EB to r4 next but I'm wondering if the two Man-Thing openings is a sign he should be my next rank up. In my opinion EB is the better champ, even unawakened, but since my only other r4 is skill that is making me reconsider Man-Thing. I have limited resources and it'll be awhile until I have enough to rank the other champ. Who should I take to r4
Is MCOC trying to tell me something? 41 votes
CAIW 5/50 awakened
AA 5/50 awakened
Gwenpool r4 unawakened
With rotating spots for
Venom 5/50 awakened
GR 5/50 awakened
Namor 5/50 awakened
EB R3 unawakened
SG 5/50 unawakened
Man-Thing R3 awakened