What I Hate Most About These Ever Looming “Balance Changes”

WedgemonsterWedgemonster Member Posts: 323 ★★★
I pulled Namor today from a 5* basic. I should be pumped. And to extent I still am. I have everything needed to max him out, an AG, and about 150 sig stones. But instead.. I’m unsure how to feel and hesitant if I want to sink all those resources into him with this potential nerf on the horizon, for fear that it will be significant. I hate that in this game now you can pull a great champ and when you should be happy, you question whether this champ is gonna have their legs cut out from under them. Maybe it’s nothing to be concerned about, maybe it is. That’s hardly the point. It puts a damper on an otherwise positive event and creates an uncertainty of how to allocate resources.


  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    I'm in the same position. I recently pulled Namor and am debating using a gem and stones on him. This game is all about highs and lows from crystals. Everyone says that if you didn't get low rated champs you won't appreciate getting the great pulls. These balance changes are now taking the enjoyment out of pulling new champs. Do u spend resources and hope they dont get changed in a way u dont like or wait and let your account suffer until u make a decision? Im hoping they announce their plans soon on balance changes. Nobody wants a champ that's great changed and left wondering what will happen to them in the future. Im a mid level player and have the resources to rank 5 CMM, Namor, Thing and Sunspot all right now, but I am hesitant to do it until i know if they may get changed.
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    Like their communication is trash like how are you gonna tell us you're gonna nerd a champ and tell us nothing about the nerf and have us postponed our rank ups because we are unsure if they are gonna get drastically needed or not which leads a halt in our progression and even in this situation Kabam didn't even tell us about Namor someone had to dig it up from the China forums, like we should already have this info like what kind of trashy communication is that like why tf can't we learn these things as the Chinese players do.

    (I may have gotten carried away probably because I just awakened my name and took him to r4)
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    @Zuro Like, its ok. Like you didn't get like carried away. We like know what u mean like its crazy
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★

    Balancing champs is a great way for kabam to get us all to spend more $$ like we haven’t spent enough? Greed is going to ruin this game.

    They have been doing it for years and people still spend the money. It hasn’t deterred people before so why should it with Namor or cull? Whales will still spend and keep the game going
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,692 ★★★★★
    At least for me, it’s not about money sunk into acquiring a champ. I pulled Cull from a basic 6* crystal a while ago and I just want to know whether I should rank him. It’s not fun to have a champ that you can’t decide if they are worth investing in because they may be totally different a few months down the road.

    I understand the complaints about Kabam needing to play test more, but I also get that there’s no way they’ll catch everything. Doctor Octopus just had his best playstyle become well known a couple months ago and he’s been out for ages.

    It’s a big game, things can understandably slide by. But this situation, with months of limbo between discussion of potential reworks and any kind of update, it ain’t cool, dude.
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    edited December 2019
    I agree OP, If I pulled Namor in my next crystal I could awaken, take to sig 100, use a 2-3 and 3-4 gem and R5 him immediately. Until this is resolved and all is known, I wouldn't invest a single iso in him. its crazy to keep things in limbo like this but in order to not get myself in trouble I will stop short of questioning their motves
  • BPT_Corey2386BPT_Corey2386 Member Posts: 27
    Call em what u will Kabam “balance changes” or try n minimize the frustration from the community saying “oh it will only be changed a lil”.

    However u paint that picture or whatever terminology u want to use it’s a change!Weather it be minimum or huge it’s a change AKA a NERF unless it’s a buff!U take anything away or lessen a stat it is defined as a NERF!

    Just leave things alone or extensively test the champs before releasing them.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    I bought the sig stone deals on cyber weekend specifically to take Namor up to sig200. Something I regret now as he might be changed for the worse and if he is, I want my money back. I've had Namor at r3 since August when I pulled him because I've been too worried that Kabam will change him, I should have waited to put all those sig stones and awakening gem into him, but that's already done. My point is that it's not right for them to leave us in the dark about this.
  • gp87gp87 Member Posts: 325 ★★★
    I want to see a YOUTUBE video with those OP champs that need nerf by kabam employees to clear one path without revives at act 6.2 & 6.3 .

    I dont care about statistics and numbers, i want to see gameplay from them.
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  • WhathappenedWhathappened Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    edited December 2019

    I bought the sig stone deals on cyber weekend specifically to take Namor up to sig200. Something I regret now as he might be changed for the worse and if he is, I want my money back. I've had Namor at r3 since August when I pulled him because I've been too worried that Kabam will change him, I should have waited to put all those sig stones and awakening gem into him, but that's already done. My point is that it's not right for them to leave us in the dark about this.

    Yeah I used a bunch of resources from cyber Monday deals on my Namor too. A simple RDT isn't going cover a nerf, sig stones need to be accounted for too. From what Kabam has said in the past it sounded like Cull was the only newer champ being tweaked down, thought Namor was safe according to what they said. A game can't survive if players are always in limbo, especially if for months at a time. Ridiculous
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,437 Guardian
    gp87 said:

    I dont care about statistics and numbers

    Well, they do. But good luck convincing a game development team to not balance based on statistics and numbers. Millions have tried, zero have succeeded across decades of time, but who knows: maybe you're the chosen one.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,437 Guardian

    A game can't survive if players are always in limbo, especially if for months at a time. Ridiculous

    Before mobile games came along, MMOs were the 800 pound gorilla of the games as as service marketspace. And those games were collectively full of millions of players who didn't give this "limbo" a second thought.

    Between the casual players who don't give this a second thought, and the hardcore gamers who already have lots of experience with this kind of game and no longer give this a second thought, there's a huge amount of people willing to play this kind of game. The fraction of people who have a problem with it are actually a tiny minority. Games as a service doesn't need them to be successful or to survive.
  • CaptainPollCaptainPoll Member Posts: 901 ★★★
    Why can't they simply test the champ and then release them
  • gp87gp87 Member Posts: 325 ★★★
    edited December 2019
    DNA3000 said:

    gp87 said:

    I dont care about statistics and numbers

    Well, they do. But good luck convincing a game development team to not balance based on statistics and numbers. Millions have tried, zero have succeeded across decades of time, but who knows: maybe you're the chosen one.
    Maybe Irony is your friend but not mine. But honestly if you play that game at endgame level you know the truth: cull, namor are not overpowered, there are players way more powerful at mcoc universe. I know it, you know it, because we play the game we love. Maybe they must hire developers that play that game and they know it.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,437 Guardian
    gp87 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    gp87 said:

    I dont care about statistics and numbers

    Well, they do. But good luck convincing a game development team to not balance based on statistics and numbers. Millions have tried, zero have succeeded across decades of time, but who knows: maybe you're the chosen one.
    Maybe Irony is your friend but not mine. But honestly if you play that game at endgame level you know the truth: cull, namor are not overpowered, there are players way more powerful at mcoc universe. I know it, you know it, because we play the game we love. Maybe they must hire developers that play that game and they know it.
    If you actually have direct experience with games as a service, and you have any inclination to discuss the topic with players who don't, but are really really sure they do, irony is pretty much going to be your only friend.
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★

    I bought the sig stone deals on cyber weekend specifically to take Namor up to sig200. Something I regret now as he might be changed for the worse and if he is, I want my money back. I've had Namor at r3 since August when I pulled him because I've been too worried that Kabam will change him, I should have waited to put all those sig stones and awakening gem into him, but that's already done. My point is that it's not right for them to leave us in the dark about this.

    bottom line is maybe not spend because you never know what they will do.

  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    I just 4/40'd my 4 star namor and now im starting to regret it...
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    Nah01 said:

    I agree. That's where communication helps. Last we knew before the Chinese leak it was just Cull getting tweaked downwards. Out of the blue we catch wind that Namor has been added, even though he had never been mentioned by Kabam. So sometime during the last couple of months that decision was made and we're left in the dark. This balancing idea was introduced several months ago and the only thing we know now that's different is Namor has been added and not sure if that's official because we haven't been told. Months without any updates doesn't live up to the better communication we were promised.

    And why did Kabam leak information to Chinese communities? I don't understand. Because the investors and the president are Chinese or what?

    Do you remember cyber monday deal? Everything said by Chinese turned out to be true. Annoying. Somehow someone knew beforehand but we don't.
    kabam is actually owned by netmarble, a south Korean company
  • edited December 2019
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