What I Hate Most About These Ever Looming “Balance Changes”

I pulled Namor today from a 5* basic. I should be pumped. And to extent I still am. I have everything needed to max him out, an AG, and about 150 sig stones. But instead.. I’m unsure how to feel and hesitant if I want to sink all those resources into him with this potential nerf on the horizon, for fear that it will be significant. I hate that in this game now you can pull a great champ and when you should be happy, you question whether this champ is gonna have their legs cut out from under them. Maybe it’s nothing to be concerned about, maybe it is. That’s hardly the point. It puts a damper on an otherwise positive event and creates an uncertainty of how to allocate resources.
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P.S.- Even though she's not on the same level as she was pre-nerf, she's still quite effective. Hopefully Namor's nerf won't be that severe.
Do you remember cyber monday deal? Everything said by Chinese turned out to be true. Annoying. Somehow someone knew beforehand but we don't.
(I may have gotten carried away probably because I just awakened my name and took him to r4)
It is a business model. Let's see how much money we can get with a Champion. If he did not generate enough money, call it a balance change and introduce a new crystal after that. If he made enough money but is breaking the content, call it balance changes as well and hope for the best.
I understand the complaints about Kabam needing to play test more, but I also get that there’s no way they’ll catch everything. Doctor Octopus just had his best playstyle become well known a couple months ago and he’s been out for ages.
It’s a big game, things can understandably slide by. But this situation, with months of limbo between discussion of potential reworks and any kind of update, it ain’t cool, dude.
However u paint that picture or whatever terminology u want to use it’s a change!Weather it be minimum or huge it’s a change AKA a NERF unless it’s a buff!U take anything away or lessen a stat it is defined as a NERF!
Just leave things alone or extensively test the champs before releasing them.
I dont care about statistics and numbers, i want to see gameplay from them.
Between the casual players who don't give this a second thought, and the hardcore gamers who already have lots of experience with this kind of game and no longer give this a second thought, there's a huge amount of people willing to play this kind of game. The fraction of people who have a problem with it are actually a tiny minority. Games as a service doesn't need them to be successful or to survive.