Stealthy Spidey Slow not working
I absolutely love Stealthy and use him quite a bit. I haven't noticed him being bugy until the other day in war on a power shield, close encounters node fighting Darkhawk. I has my slow debuffs selected prior to the fight and applied it but occasionally still missed him. The miss icon showed also. Is there something about DH that reduces his ability accuracy? There shouldn't be a reason for him to miss with the slow debuff unless I'm missing something. Happened several times but not consistently. Yes he had the debuff active and the slow pre-fight ability selected. Thanks for the input.
Unfortunately I don't have a video, I wasn't expecting problems. I haven't seen it happen elsewhere but I'll be on the lookout for it now. It was just that fight but happened several times. After a miss I got punished and died, revived and healed up a little, same thing happened again. That's when I should have recorded. It clearly showed the miss icon though.