Limber Mastery

Disgruntled_User_123Disgruntled_User_123 Member Posts: 1,105 ★★★
Is it just me or is Limber a great mastery for the arena? A lot of people don’t rank it up but I actually think it’s helped me on more than one occasion.

Glass Cannon is the one I find to be less helpful... but I think that’s probably because I don’t have strong enough champs to take the health decrease (my best champs are 4/40).


  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    Limber is really good for AWD.....
    catches peeps off guard when they parry......
    can really stop people using AA. not enough time to parry and then heavy if opponent is running max limber.....

    alot of the time you parry and then cant get a combo in and instead you get comboed
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    I think glass cannon even at high health champ isn’t worth much either.
  • BuckeyeKPBuckeyeKP Member Posts: 693 ★★
    Not sure how limber is at all good for arena, but Glass Cannon is because the fights are short, higher attack let's you finish them even faster, and it gives a big PI boost. I run 2/3 GC, if you don't get hit a ton then it's way worth it; won't even notice it.. If you do get hit a lot then I guess not.
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    edited September 2018
    I have maxed limber and I don't think I will ever keep it below 4's a really good safeguard for a mistake in aw..yes in act 5 or uncollected eq it isn't much useful cuz u gotta avoid getting hit but I like having a safeguard for a misstep
    I have 3/3 in glass canon as well and it does make a difference..the health cost is only of being hit one or two more times but the attack boost helps
  • Mechanic_1609Mechanic_1609 Member Posts: 5
    Limber I great! When evs someone Chuck's on a stun debug, it's over and done with before you know. I've got mine maxed out and I tell you's one of the best mastery I've maxed. About 1.5 secs stuns last for.
    Great investment!
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    Glass cannon is a very nice mastery.
    Except if you take more damage from getting hit than you hit them. But if that is the case you prob wont beat act 4.

    If you dont like the %hp loss and you want to use willpower you have 5 points that you need to put in the def tree that have "no real use" to get to 15 points (for willpower) so you could put them in greater vitality. You still get a bit -% hp but I wont be 7,2%

    Oh and limber is a very bad mastery except for high lvl AW on defense (some change their mastery for every war)
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