Best 6 stars to r2

Hey guys so given the actual state of the game, which champions do you think are worth taking to R2 and why?
Let me start, I just R2 my 6 stars corvus, is obvious he has amazing damage and is awesome for alliance war.
Let me start, I just R2 my 6 stars corvus, is obvious he has amazing damage and is awesome for alliance war.
I would choose Corvus is too no doubt. Also Ghost.
Fury, Ægon, Void (if you have them duped)
He’s very EFFECTIVE in AW
Hes a very good champ dont get me wrong it's just a matter of when you get to the point of having this many options, there are going to be very good champs that only get used occasionally
My R5s and R2s pale in comparison. 😮
Sure things like aq are competitive when it comes to roster building but as long as your playing within your means and still enjoying playing, theres no rush to do anything in this game