So first let me say I am uncollected already, so for all those who were gonna post those so helpful comment "guess it's time to become uncollected" don't bother. So I'm not 100% sure but I thought that u guys at kabam said everyone would have a shot at earning a 5* awakening gem crystal, EVERYONE, and ive tried to find the announcement to see if it says certain items will be locked or unavailable if ur not uncollected, I havnt been able to find the announcement so I can't say for sure how it was worded. Now I'm all for separation or categorizing summoners by progression under alot of circumstances, but not this it feels like punishment or something and, I havnt seen the numbers, but 1 of my alliance mates who isn't uncollected yet, but was hoping to use alot of the resources from the acorns store to help them become uncollected, I mean it's the monthly side quest and acorns are the currency that goes with the monthly side quest, it's not the monthly uncollected side quest, they don't do different side quests or different currencys/stores for our tiers so I really just don't agree with this, specially if it wasn't announced or worded to tell everyone that, for the first time ever, imo, if ur not uncollected ur not allowed to purchase these items, I mean u wanna charge them more or in this month's unique quest, less that's fine but I don't agree with u limiting what they can purchase that could help them get to where you guys obviously want them to get to, uncollected or cavalier, so id love to hear an explanation from kabam Mike or someone else at kabam if this is right and is this how things will be moving forward? This also happened with some of the compensation from couple of months back, which I also disagreed with, because weather they were uncollected/cavalier really didn't matter the game went down or was disrupted for everyone the same, I don't recall what all went wrong, THAT TIME, but when the game goes down bad enough to be compensated, it doesn't matter if ur running uncollected difficulty or beginer, no one can play, anyway I hope others agree with me, just out of fairness and helping others get better so they can progress and we all get better and it keeps this game we all love relevant and popular, thanks for your time.
Unless I’m misunderstanding your point because that wall of text is horrible to read.
To be honest, I think there are several things in the game that I wish were tiered, but aren't. I think a lot of veteran players are getting smaller/less useful rewards in alliance and solo events for example.
Other than that, most of the resources locked to those below Uncollected are fair. Why would a Proven player have access to 6* shards when they should really be focused on getting 4*'s. Not to mention t5b and t2a fragments.
You're argument makes sense, but the fact that these locked items are clearly aimed at high progression players proves why it's locked.
Now then, I can see how someone “might” not be able to read between the lines in the PIC announcement, and not be able to tie the 2 aspects together where it said “only Uncollected can purchase all items in store” with the other aspect being “if you can reach 1.0mil you get the Gem”. Technically the announcement left out the detail that “all the items in the store” does indeed equate to “1.0mil being max you can spend”.
But that’s why they did confirm that later on, as well as lots of other people providing charts, graphics, etc, up in Forums detailing exactly how much everything is in Store, as well as exactly where you can get all the different Acorns from (note, there are 2.0mil total available, and you only need to get 1.0mil of them, so long as you are Uncollected).
As for uncollected acorn rewards ”needed” (🙄🤦♂️) to progress ingame. You don’t need a 5* awakening gem to become uncollected.
I got my first 5 star awekening gem after more than a year of playing.
@RU11011 the 4* Awakening gem is available to Proven. I'm Proven and I just bought it today.
Besides the announcement on the web site that was referenced above, there was only the in-game email which repeated the statement that some items would be locked by progress tier:
Absolutely nowhere did anything or anyone say that every reward would be available to everyone. Every announcement stated there would be progress limits on the rewards either explicitly or implicitly, and there were discussion threads that started the moment the event launched where it was stated that you'd need to buy everything to reach one million and some of the items were gated by progress. So there's no good reason why anyone would have the impression that any particular reward, such as the 5* awakening gem, would be available for everyone to get.