Story Quest 5.2.4 reminds me of a recurring nightmare I used to have!



  • L3g3ndaryR3ignL3g3ndaryR3ign Member Posts: 40
    Kerneas said:

    Kerneas said:

    @Kerneas thanks. Lol. I totally feel like I can do this now...

    If you expect people to suppport you after you vomit your aggressive thoughts here and not give any constructive approach, you are extremely naive I am afraid.

    Anyway, although this piece of content is admittedly annoying, it is surely doable, many have done it before and there's no reason why you couldn't. You just need to get yourself together and stop hating it so much, take it as a challenge that pi$$es you off and you wanna overcome it without getting poisoned by it.
    @Kerneas What I was doing was ranting and trying to make a joke out of something that was frustrating to me. I certainly wasn't trying to "vomit aggressive thoughts", nor was I expecting support. No, I'm not naive, however my experiences in this forum and the amount that I've learnt from simply being here has been nothing but mind blowing, positive and educational. And I did in fact lead my post with just a rant. Because that is all it was.

    Thank you for the parts of your response that were motivational. And yes, I do intend to look at it that way. I was just annoyed, angry and needed to vent...
    The part about skinning Kabam alive can be interpreted differently, so sorry for misinterpretating. I totally understand your urge to ventilate your frustration :smiley:
    Lol. That was just a joke, seeing as Kabam is a company and not an actual person, makes it kind of impossible to skin it alive. It's not alive and has no skin...
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    I did not read completely, so i don t know if someone suggested this, But you don't need double edge in 5.2.4. Easy path will leave caltrops at the end for boss, So, you dash back and get bleed on yourself, then just parry heavy the boss.
  • L3g3ndaryR3ignL3g3ndaryR3ign Member Posts: 40
    @Pulyaman thanks...
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