Featured 5* too few in a year

The featured crystal currently lasts 14 weeks, in one year there are 52 weeks. Therefore less than 4 featured per year will be released.
A crystal contains 24 heroes. there are currently 150 heroes as 5 * (26 are added every year).
In the last 7 featured some heroes have been proposed several times (Falconx2; DDx2; Karnakx2; Bladex2; Moralesx3; Hulkx2; Spider classx2; Iron MAnx2; Patriotx2 just to remember a few)
It will therefore become more and more difficult to find your favorite hero or the hero necessary for certain contents.
The dungeon crystals currently have the same problems and is one attempt, as only one can be bought per type every 3 months.
some time ago the nexus crystal appeared. Is it possible to increase this type of crystals or introduce a featured nexus cristals?
Is it possible to do something to get a chance to find a certain hero?
A crystal contains 24 heroes. there are currently 150 heroes as 5 * (26 are added every year).
In the last 7 featured some heroes have been proposed several times (Falconx2; DDx2; Karnakx2; Bladex2; Moralesx3; Hulkx2; Spider classx2; Iron MAnx2; Patriotx2 just to remember a few)
It will therefore become more and more difficult to find your favorite hero or the hero necessary for certain contents.
The dungeon crystals currently have the same problems and is one attempt, as only one can be bought per type every 3 months.
some time ago the nexus crystal appeared. Is it possible to increase this type of crystals or introduce a featured nexus cristals?
Is it possible to do something to get a chance to find a certain hero?