That's because it's the second war now. The first war showed a regular +/- but the ratings didn't change. I guess the second guy who posted from tier 6 did so for the second war and I wasn't thinking lol. We show a +/- of zero now also but this thread was about the recurring visual glitch where the first war of the offseason looks like it isn't locked.
@Kabam Miike what’s the deal? Can we get an answer here? War rating should be locked, no?
Only tier 5 and up get locked quite clearly your tier 6 so no lock would occur
Got it.. thanks. It should be for every tier though. So every other tier above can collect loyalty and buy war boosts, stock up... and not have to worry if they lose or not. That’s not fair. We have to worry about dropping a tier, so it’s almost just as critical as an in season match. Dumb rule for only tier 1-5. Should be everyone. Right @Kabam Miike .. wouldn’t that be more fair for every?
Can someone tell me, is this a “visual error,” or did they actually not lock it, so it will affect rating?
As an ally who is near a tier cutoff, knowing the impact of this war would be useful!
So I get nervous. Lol.