Alliance War Placement

Devs should SERIOUSLY consider removing a summoner's champions out of an alliance war or quest if that summoner was kicked, for any reason, even if it was for NO reason. That alliance should not have the right to use champs that belong to people that ARE NOT in their alliance. Serious BS.
So that being said, there needs to be a change to cripple corvus on offense for war, otherwise where is the challenge to it. It was stated in the past they wanted to make people rely on a variety of attackers, but that ran stagnant and any simpleton with a corvus and clear a war map.
Sinister, Maw, Thing, Manthing, IW, Nova, Havok.. just off the top of my head, I'm sure there are more. He is still a great attacker, but he must choose his matches wisely just like other attackers. Incredibly dangerous to use him against hidden defenders as well. Don't worry about Corvus counters being introduced into the game. They have, many of them. In fact I'd say Corvus and Ghost have been specifically targeted with recent champ releases over the last few months.
Certain lanes require certain champs vs others. Certain DTs demand more. Why do you think they nerfed Siphon? It was straight overkill. Corvus wasn't gonna stop that block damage from chewing him to bits and pieces. No one could. We have some skilled Corvus players and they all ran into issues if he wasn't ideal.
Just see Sinister with Flow as a legitimate Corvus crippler. That's just 1 example off the top of my head as it's 5:39 AM and I haven't had my coffee yet, lol. Heck, even IMIW with Flow got sketchy if you made the smallest mistake or the Ai decided not to take the bait and mutilated you with a S3 on Aggression Fury. I'll admit, with what Corvus does well, he does VERY WELL. Just the same, what he doesn't do well... he does horribly with.
No worries tho all good