Kabam please stop giving different rewards for similar effort

Earlier Kabam removed AW Season Crystal in S15 to bring parity to people finishing in similar tier.
Many welcomed the move, a few were unhappy, but overall it did gave an impression that Kabam is moving towards right direction...but we were so wrong!!
Why?? Just look at Crystals you are getting from this month side quest. Many are getting only 3* or 4*s from legendary/ Grandmaster Shattered Crystal while some are enjoying 5*s. How this is right when the effort put by all are similar. Its a different story whether this month rewards are good or not, but don't make it bad for some and good for few when efforts being put are same. Please stop this madness...
Many welcomed the move, a few were unhappy, but overall it did gave an impression that Kabam is moving towards right direction...but we were so wrong!!
Why?? Just look at Crystals you are getting from this month side quest. Many are getting only 3* or 4*s from legendary/ Grandmaster Shattered Crystal while some are enjoying 5*s. How this is right when the effort put by all are similar. Its a different story whether this month rewards are good or not, but don't make it bad for some and good for few when efforts being put are same. Please stop this madness...
Not to mention every quest that exists in this game has RNG rewards, even AW. What if the 5* shards from the AW rewards gives me a 5* and I get Iron Patriot and we ranked #2 Gold 1 but someone who ranked #499 pulls a 5* Aegon.... Is that fair? Technically we worked harder than them.
Everyone uses a backup and most often they are needed. If they just placed defense, they get the same rewards as I do for running a lane. War MVPs get nothing extra for doing all the work. Hows that fair?
Point is, just play the.game. RNG runs this game.
Maybe a Crystal option with only 5* shards. You get 2500* five star shards without risking just getting a 4*.
This way people could avoid the rng but the rng Crystal would still have a chance at the best rewards.
Something like this (with some tweets) could work. Right?
If two people completed the same event and one was rewarded a 3* crystal and the other a 5* crystal, sure, that would be unfair.
This is like saying it isn't fair that I bought a lottery ticket and put in the same effort that the guy next to me put in and I didn't win anything and he won the lottery.
Because everyone who opens it has the same chance to get each tier of reward. No person has an advantage or disadvantage, it is totally random. How is that not fair?
People posts bad pulls way more often than people post about good pulls.
Facts are that you are getting the same rewards for the same effort. People just dont always like their pulls.
I've pulled all 3*. I don't really care, its about the other stuff im getting.
So he's pointing out that rewards shouldn't be design to have the lottery setting or feel given the same efforts but in the quest. Kabam appreciates feedback from summers to continue to make the game better. This is one of them eventhough it's coming out of frustration, like what some customers do. Some have made good points, about how we could have the option to just for 4 and 5 shards or gamble big for for either a 3, 4 or 5 star champ. It's a good idea, giving each summoner the opportunity to decide on what they want. That way, RNG is bit restrained.
Result -15 3*/4* vs Multiple 5*s
Yup, that is how RNG works. This game is entirely based on that. Because luck might not have favored you does not mean you did not have the same equal opportunity that everyone else had.
In this thread Mojo the poster got 4 5* 2 of which were Mojo. I bought 10 crystals and did not get 4 5*'s, I also did not get 1 Mojo of any level. Is that unfair? No, because we all had the same chance. Am I bummed that my luck wasn't better, absoutely, but life goes on.
I think what y'all are doing is confusing Equal and Equitable. You don't want everyone to have the same chance (equal) you want to make sure that everyone is on the same field no matter what (equitable).
Here you can see the difference represented visually.
Result -15 3*/4* vs Multiple 5*s
Maybe it's time to find a game that doesn't offer those rewards for you.
He brings a very good point. Kabam doesnt have to put in rewards with such a huge difference in potential rewards. Thats why bringing the exemple of War crystal makes sense. Kabam finally realised the difference in rewards was too much and changed it.
Thats all the OP is asking. Instead of making 4-5* crystal makes it only 4 or only 5* crystal. The RNG is already big enough in a 5* crystal as some ppl will get Ghost while other will get Groot for the same effort. It would still suck for whoever gets Groot but at least he will have a 5* for the effort instead of getting a 4* Groot while someone else gets a 5* Ghost for the exact same effort.
I was lucky enough to get two 5* out of this side event and i still think its dumb that most people are getting 3* and 4* for doing the same thing i did. RNG is the name of the game and its cool with me but imo the rng has too big of a spread in this case.
Equal - they have different results (RNG) from the same crystal.
Equitable - guy with all 3*s will pull a 5* so that other guy doesn't have the advantage anymore.
I am not going to waste any more energy on this thread.
Looking at your posting history, you come here to complain and never to celebrate your pulls. Again, you want "fair for all" but really you just want better rewards for yourself.
Of course it's about you.
If you had pulled multiple great 5*s, you wouldn't be on here trying to change the system. The only reason you hold any animosity towards the current system is because you were not favoured by it, whilst others were. You can phrase it whichever way you like, but ultimately, this post has stemmed from your own personal frustration, and not some noble intent to make things 'fairer' for everyone.At the end of the day, feedback is feedback, so it's all good. But the poster opposing your arguments also have a fair point - the rewards themselves are fair, as everyone has the same chance to pull each rarity. Sure, you might not like the results, but the rewards system itself isn't fundamentally skewed towards or against any player. The visual provided is actually a good representation of this, regardless of whether you acknowledge it or not.
I'm not saying it's the perfect rewards system, far from it. It could definitely be improved, and it can definitely be altered to provide a smaller range in desirability. But I don't particularly agree with your line of reasoning, nor do I agree with the arguments you present.