I need alliance leadership tips.
Member Posts: 50 ★
Soon I intend on starting an alliance and any advice from some alliance leaders would be helpful.
I suggest you first ID what your goals will be with the ally. Do you want to do AW and AQ, just one, and at what level? Also, what kind of participation will you require, and will players need to make donations?
Then advertise your alliance so that you specifically state those goals. For me, it was an AQ-focused ally doing maps 4 and 5, no donations, AW optional, chill players, no drama. For you that list will be different, most likely, but you get the picture.
As a leader, don't be a dictator, don't be a jerk. You lead by example, whatever that example is, and if you are jerk to players, you'll get that sentiment back.
Don't arbitrarily kick people, and don't screw people over. Not saying you would, but if you read this forum enough, you'll know that such behavior is sadly common.
IMO as long as you are clear about what you want in alliance members, and the people you recruit are equally honest about their goals, you can find a solid fun group of players.
Finally, be organized. Have a structure for determining who is in what battlegroup, or on which path, and post that info in a shared chat room. We use Telegram, but there are many similar platforms. Anyway, players like it when they know what they are assigned to do.
Good luck.
Beyond that, remember that leaders lead by serving. Your job is to do what's best for the alliance, and remember that alliances are ultimately people. You can't be a slave to your members and you can't baby them, but your job is to provide the structure that allows them to work together to get to where ever they want to go, where ever that is.
No matter what, you have to be seen as fair. Communicate with your members, talk to them, get to know them, explain yourself and your ideas, try to keep them informed about what's going on.
Beyond that, be very clear and honest as to where you're at and where you're going, then recruit like crazy - forums, Facebook, General Chat, Line, etc.
Before you name officers, know your ppl. It's not always the highest ranking who's the best officer, it's, most of the time, the one that is active at comm.
Be clear on your ally's description. Write your goal, (AQ, AW, events, etc...), so ppl know that they're joining the right ally.
Communication is the key. Have a great comm and it should goes well.
Good luck, op.
Try and stay on good terms with former players. Ppl will outgrow your alliance. U may be doing map4 and a person in your alliance is ready for map 5. If they want to leave let them. U never know when u will cross paths again. Almost a year ago I started a new alliance and was able to go thru my contacts and within a week had a full group of former players. They knew what I expected and I knew what kind of player they were so it worked out great. I still keep in contact with dozens of ppl that aren't in my alliance. That way if a guy needs their spot covered while they are on vacation or something I can always find someone even if it's just for a week or two.
Organization and a good group of officers is critical. I recommend having 2 officers (including yourself) to lead each bg for a total of 6. Have these two person teams be responsible for the operation of each bg. Path assignment, defense, every aspect of that battle group. I am not involved at all in the day to day management of the other two groups. Only my bg. They run them as they see fit. And so long as the groups are operating smoothly, I don't interfere. Don't try to manage all 30 players yourself. Depending on your level of competitiveness you'll want a chat server. We use discord with the Collector bot and spreadsheets and all that. Create an atmosphere where folks are having fun and the alliance is steadily progressing. You don't need to progress at a super fast pace. Just a steady pace will do. As most of this was said above, decide what your requirements are and what you expect from your members and lead by example.
Even in a casual alliance, plenty of "leeches" come in .. and try to ride the coattails with doing minimal effort.
You need to monitor for those that are just "surfing" .. and reach out to them .. if they don't respond, don't be afraid to kick them - they're only weighing you down.
Note, that I definitely distinguish between "lazy" and "poor player" ..
A lazy/leecher/etc will join AQ , fight 1 fight to get a couple points, then not login again for 20 hours.
You'll see them posting absolute minimum values for a lot of things .. and (possibly) generating many excuses along the way.
For example: again, I'm in a casual alliance, with AQ as "optional" .. yet I've had a guy join AQ, 1 fight .. logs in once every 24 hours. When I reach out to him, he complains he's just busy with work.
I point out "that's fine, but please don't join AQ if you can't participate" ...
Next day, he joins AQ .. 1 fight, doesn't login again.
I kicked him the next day
A "poor player" is somebody that just isn't good .. they're trying .. they just "suck" LOL
I actually have no problems with this type of player (again, casual alliance is great for these types of players .., it's a good place for them to learn .. not a more dedicated, hardcore alliance!!)
I actually don't mind working with newer players and trying to give tips/pointers to help them improve ..
Communication is key in all of this .. if you have players that simply don't respond/listen/etc ... it's probably not worth keeping them ..
Players that respond to question .. ask questions and "speak up" ... are the best .. and the ones you'll form the best rapport with.
Good luck!