
Hello guys. I got an email from kabam the other day regarding masteries. I didn't understand it fully, so can recover the point and get a new masterie setup for free the next few days?! Is that it?!
Just sayin.
You can do Recovery/Resets as often as you want (has been that way for a long time already).
Anything previously “unlocked” (with Cores or some cases huge amount of Units) will REMAIN Unlocked after doing a Recovery/Reset.
If you had NOT had a particular node unlocked yet, it will stay locked and still requires whatever Cores/Units to Unlock.
Only thing that will cost those small amount of Units will still be to increase each Level as you rebuild your Masteries again (they cost small Units EVERY time you Rebuild them).
** EXCEPT during the “FREE” period currently underway (between Feb 19 and 26). Small Units for Rebuild will NOT be needed, however anything still “Locked” will still be Locked (requiring Cores or big Units to unlock).
(Except, except.. all levels of Parry will NO LONGER require Cores to Unlock. And that will stay that way forever now).
So, it will cost me my Mastery Recovery Point item still