Do you enjoy this game in general?

Despite the terrible pulls we get, the losses we suffer in war, the grind gets tedious, the events don't live up to our expectation. Do you still enjoy Marvel Contest Of Champions?
Do you enjoy this game in general? 113 votes
So.... yes I enjoy the game
I don't allow myself to get burnt out. If I don't feel like grinding arena today, I don't. If an event doesn't feel worth my time, I skip it.
It's all about being a better player than I was yesterday. ☻👍
Other than that I love the new permanent content for end game players and it is still very fun.
I enjoy the game in general. There are things I don't enjoy, but that doesn't mean the game shouldn't have them (other people enjoy them, which is fine). There are things I think could be better, but they don't prevent my enjoyment of the game most of the time. And there are things I think are straight up broken, and I hope they fix one day.
i still hate korg tho
I also love this game and have just recently started grinding arena for hours a day. Honestly, I’m enjoying it!
First, the "me" part. I've been playing for several years and I've seen the game change, with new challenges becoming harder and harder as they should be. Consequently, I've also seen my roster getting better as well. Unfortunately, my skills have not improved as much as I would like. As a result, I've almost reached my plateau. I will continue to try to practice to get better. One hero I would definitely would love to master is quake.
As for the kabam part, I dont like some of the things they're doing like "re-balancing" heroes. People spend time and real money to rank up a champion just to have them "re-balanced". I especially dont like that I'm finally getting some of these powerful heroes and now they're being "re-balanced". Kabam should just leave them be and learn from them for future releases.
Anyways, I want to continue to like this game but we will see.