How good is Colossus? Re-Investing Namor resources in him?

RoOOtsRoOOts Member Posts: 234 ★★
As many i have sold my maxed Namor. I dont like his long ramp-up. and he doesn't have more utility than Ghost+hood. so i haven't used him really.

But where to put the hopefully soon to come resources? My Mutant choices are limited. But i have a dupped collosus i could take to R5 lvl200. i like his immunities, his dmg and the armor up vs havoc.

Or is Namor a better choice?
where do you put your resources?


  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Idk I have colossus at r5 but don’t have namor. If you told me I could sell colossus today and get back a r5 namor I don’t think I would do it. That being said I don’t have namor so maybe I am missing something
  • BigbowlrBigbowlr Member Posts: 137 ★★
    I like Colossus alot and taking him to r5 seems worth it but I remain in the boat of Namor being the best champ in the game. Now I'm not in an Act 6 position yet and I've only managed completion on 2 variants(Microrealms and this new one) so maybe for harder content like that his ramp is bad(I dont know) but for act 5 exploration(my current goal) and the UC monthly events Namor is a monster that cant be touched. That sig ability is absurbly powerful and while his ramp is longer his utility with that sig is unrivaled.
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    Colossus is tanky and has good damage output with good immunities. But namor has that crazy burst damage with that SIG ability that is very important. If I have a SIG 200 namor I won't bother with the mutant class anymore.
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    Is not a must to get to 30 stacks of outrage. Watch legacy video at 15charges he can get to sp3 and for a 5/65 namor one sp3 rotation is enough to take out most champs in the game
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    This is what I did.
    Waiting to rank Colossus.
  • Putang76Putang76 Member Posts: 283 ★★
    Don’t have Namor, but the last time I check he got Nerfed 🤪
    Colossus got Buffed 🤘
    Nah for realz though, just my one sided opinion, he is WORTHY
    Having a Rank 4 sig 60, and the most important thing
    Kabam can’t nerf him now 😂
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★

    Colossus is tanky and has good damage output with good immunities. But namor has that crazy burst damage with that SIG ability that is very important. If I have a SIG 200 namor I won't bother with the mutant class anymore.

    Omega is a lot better and more useful than namor if you run DE
  • TheHeroDeservedTheHeroDeserved Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    Putang76 said:

    Don’t have Namor, but the last time I check he got Nerfed 🤪
    Colossus got Buffed 🤘
    Nah for realz though, just my one sided opinion, he is WORTHY
    Having a Rank 4 sig 60, and the most important thing
    Kabam can’t nerf him now 😂

    Great comment from someone who havent tried Namor.

    Ive sold my Namor, but only to get my awakening gem back. At the next level up event, he goes directly to r5 and sig 200. I think my r4 colossus easily can take out the challenges he might face - without being r5. I.e. if I had an r5 gem only to use on 2015 mutant champs, I wont hesitate on Colossus. Namor, high sig, just have a greater damage output, can reflect damage and melts bleed immune champs.
  • SavageYeti2631SavageYeti2631 Member Posts: 54
    Lvernon15 said:

    Bigbowlr said:

    I like Colossus alot and taking him to r5 seems worth it but I remain in the boat of Namor being the best champ in the game. Now I'm not in an Act 6 position yet and I've only managed completion on 2 variants(Microrealms and this new one) so maybe for harder content like that his ramp is bad(I dont know) but for act 5 exploration(my current goal) and the UC monthly events Namor is a monster that cant be touched. That sig ability is absurbly powerful and while his ramp is longer his utility with that sig is unrivaled.

    How is namor the best champion? He’s good but he’s no ghost or quake, he’s not even best mutant imo
    Because its an opinion? Btw you can reflect all of quakes damage back at with Namor's sig at 200 as long as youre making contact. I know youre talking offensive use
  • edited February 2020
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  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Remeli said:

    Colossus is great but there's a lot of other champ that can fill his role. Namor has an ability that is unique in the game.

    This is my main point. Namor is not useful everywhere. He's good against certain nodes/champs, but, honestly, I really liked him when he had that 6% regen. Because, he has no immunity, he could get back some health, at 3%, it's a meh...He's a good specialized champ, like Aegon.

    On the other hand, Colossus, you can bring him almost anywhere in the game, and, he's a hell of a defender in war.

    Bottom line is, it depends on your personal appreciation of a champ. Rank up the ones you like to play.

    'nuff said!!!
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★

    Remeli said:

    Colossus is great but there's a lot of other champ that can fill his role. Namor has an ability that is unique in the game.

    This is my main point. Namor is not useful everywhere. He's good against certain nodes/champs, but, honestly, I really liked him when he had that 6% regen. Because, he has no immunity, he could get back some health, at 3%, it's a meh...He's a good specialized champ, like Aegon.

    On the other hand, Colossus, you can bring him almost anywhere in the game, and, he's a hell of a defender in war.

    Bottom line is, it depends on your personal appreciation of a champ. Rank up the ones you like to play.

    'nuff said!!!
    How is he a good defender? He's tanky but really easy to fight.
  • edited February 2020
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  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★

    He is good on path 6 caltrops and armor akp node but nothinf too scary

    I think there is nothing unique with namor
    Lot of other champs can ignore same incoming damage
    His only ability is reflecting that back

    I would always prefer colossus over namor

    Namor’s sig is definitely unique. He’s the only champ who can ignore 100% of any and all forms of DoT, passive, and unavoidable damage without having to rely on limited periods of indestructible.
  • edited February 2020
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  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★

    yes but lot of champs can do nearly the same..and thats the only thing he has in my opinion

    High prestige...transfer dot damage back...thats pretty good

    But you all underestimate him. try r5 colo first..maybe u have..i also respect your opinion.

    but colo is just a monster..crazy tank with extreme damage, immunities and abilities..his ability set is richer

    'Nearly doing the same' is not doing the same. So, back to our original point - yes, his ability is unique in that sense.

    Captain Marvel with her indestructible can ignore damage for 8-12 seconds, sure.

    Omega can mitigate thorns-esque damage back (+limbo), sure. But he does nothing for unavoidable degen or nodes like Do Not Go Gentle, nor can he ignore the glancing damage-back in Variant 2, like Namor can.

    Who else? I'm not really seeing the 'lots' of champs' you keep referring to.

    Don't get me wrong, I love Colossus. He's been invaluable to me for exploring 6.3, specifically when it comes to dealing with the Havok boss with Crumbling Armour. And as you pointed out, his immunities are undeniably fantastic.

    But you are severely underselling Namor, perhaps due to lack of experience with him. I know some people have a hard time utilising his full potential (IR timing issues, etc.), which is fine. But I wouldn't write him off in the way that you have.
  • BenQcSlayerBenQcSlayer Member Posts: 867 ★★★
    I got Colossus 5* 4/5 sig 100 I think.

    Good Champ with some good immunity, but on his own he lacks critical hits.

    Put him with the right synergy that includes EmmaFrost, Omega Red, Domino and Juggernaut and He becomes a Titan when You spam the parry/Heavy.

    He totally by passed Wolverine regeneration in Realm of legends out damaging his regeneration... but I had to build over 30-35 armor buffs first.

    Anyone considering ranking him up to 5/5 as a 5* should think twice before, if he does not have the synergy all in 5* first, because no synergy, no damage output.
  • kfd2010kfd2010 Member Posts: 423 ★★
    edited February 2020
    I have a Namor and a Colossus. I didn't sell Namor and I probably wouldn't think about taking Colossus to rank 5 unless there's some later content where he'd be the best option.

    I still think Namor is fantastic. I never used him for his regen (though it's pretty much pointless right now) and while I don't love the slower ramp up, sometimes the extra bleeds actually help. But he's still a monster damage dealer and I love his awakened ability.

    I really like Colossus, but he's not my type of champ. He takes a while to build up those armors in a standard match. (If duped, it speeds up.) He's a parry + heavy champ, which is a slower style, befitting of the character which I appreciate, but I like some burst.

    I have not played with the synergies that Ben above mentioned so I don't know how they max out his potential. But I wouldn't max him out personally unless there's a reason I need to.

    That being said, this game is all about playing who you enjoy playing and if you love Colossus go for it. He's certainly a good champ.
  • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    edited February 2020
    well, so far Colossus is the only champ to successfully auto-fight Realm of Legends Winter Soldier :)

    Take out of that what you will!

  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    The good thing about all this is......If you have any regrets on selling Namor, You still can rank him up when you receive the resources.

    'nuff said!!!
  • ArondightArondight Member Posts: 125

    Lvernon15 said:

    Bigbowlr said:

    I like Colossus alot and taking him to r5 seems worth it but I remain in the boat of Namor being the best champ in the game. Now I'm not in an Act 6 position yet and I've only managed completion on 2 variants(Microrealms and this new one) so maybe for harder content like that his ramp is bad(I dont know) but for act 5 exploration(my current goal) and the UC monthly events Namor is a monster that cant be touched. That sig ability is absurbly powerful and while his ramp is longer his utility with that sig is unrivaled.

    How is namor the best champion? He’s good but he’s no ghost or quake, he’s not even best mutant imo
    Because its an opinion? Btw you can reflect all of quakes damage back at with Namor's sig at 200 as long as youre making contact. I know youre talking offensive use
    Not an opinion when you state it like a fact lol
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