How good is Colossus? Re-Investing Namor resources in him?

As many i have sold my maxed Namor. I dont like his long ramp-up. and he doesn't have more utility than Ghost+hood. so i haven't used him really.
But where to put the hopefully soon to come resources? My Mutant choices are limited. But i have a dupped collosus i could take to R5 lvl200. i like his immunities, his dmg and the armor up vs havoc.
Or is Namor a better choice?
where do you put your resources?
But where to put the hopefully soon to come resources? My Mutant choices are limited. But i have a dupped collosus i could take to R5 lvl200. i like his immunities, his dmg and the armor up vs havoc.
Or is Namor a better choice?
where do you put your resources?
Waiting to rank Colossus.
Colossus got Buffed 🤘
Nah for realz though, just my one sided opinion, he is WORTHY
Having a Rank 4 sig 60, and the most important thing
Kabam can’t nerf him now 😂
Ive sold my Namor, but only to get my awakening gem back. At the next level up event, he goes directly to r5 and sig 200. I think my r4 colossus easily can take out the challenges he might face - without being r5. I.e. if I had an r5 gem only to use on 2015 mutant champs, I wont hesitate on Colossus. Namor, high sig, just have a greater damage output, can reflect damage and melts bleed immune champs.
Colossus is great but there's a lot of other champ that can fill his role. Namor has an ability that is unique in the game.
On the other hand, Colossus, you can bring him almost anywhere in the game, and, he's a hell of a defender in war.
Bottom line is, it depends on your personal appreciation of a champ. Rank up the ones you like to play.
'nuff said!!!
Captain Marvel with her indestructible can ignore damage for 8-12 seconds, sure.
Omega can mitigate thorns-esque damage back (+limbo), sure. But he does nothing for unavoidable degen or nodes like Do Not Go Gentle, nor can he ignore the glancing damage-back in Variant 2, like Namor can.
Who else? I'm not really seeing the 'lots' of champs' you keep referring to.
Don't get me wrong, I love Colossus. He's been invaluable to me for exploring 6.3, specifically when it comes to dealing with the Havok boss with Crumbling Armour. And as you pointed out, his immunities are undeniably fantastic.
But you are severely underselling Namor, perhaps due to lack of experience with him. I know some people have a hard time utilising his full potential (IR timing issues, etc.), which is fine. But I wouldn't write him off in the way that you have.
Good Champ with some good immunity, but on his own he lacks critical hits.
Put him with the right synergy that includes EmmaFrost, Omega Red, Domino and Juggernaut and He becomes a Titan when You spam the parry/Heavy.
He totally by passed Wolverine regeneration in Realm of legends out damaging his regeneration... but I had to build over 30-35 armor buffs first.
Anyone considering ranking him up to 5/5 as a 5* should think twice before, if he does not have the synergy all in 5* first, because no synergy, no damage output.
I still think Namor is fantastic. I never used him for his regen (though it's pretty much pointless right now) and while I don't love the slower ramp up, sometimes the extra bleeds actually help. But he's still a monster damage dealer and I love his awakened ability.
I really like Colossus, but he's not my type of champ. He takes a while to build up those armors in a standard match. (If duped, it speeds up.) He's a parry + heavy champ, which is a slower style, befitting of the character which I appreciate, but I like some burst.
I have not played with the synergies that Ben above mentioned so I don't know how they max out his potential. But I wouldn't max him out personally unless there's a reason I need to.
That being said, this game is all about playing who you enjoy playing and if you love Colossus go for it. He's certainly a good champ.
Take out of that what you will!
'nuff said!!!