Has anybody got good rewards from AOL
The only pulls I’m seeing from the AOL rewards have all been terrible. Even Seatin got meme tier champs for completing it. I’m curious what everyone else is getting.
Cosmic AG, Cosmic T5CC. No good cosmics go use them on. A 6* CG or CMM will be nice.. 😂
When you go through something like the abyss, those meme-tier champs just hurt a bit more because the effort you put into getting those shards is so fresh in your mind.
6* Domino, 6* Sentinel, 6* Deadpool X-Force, 6* Sunspot, 6* Namor, 6* Ebony Maw, 6* King Groot.
I got mutant AG+Mutant T5CC
And 2 Cosmic T5CC (used 1 on CMM+saving other for Corvus)
Overall pleased 😀.
Havent opened the rewards and dont plan to until i 100% it and 6.4. And thats only if i pull a good 6*.
Otherwise they'll sit there gathering dust.