Milestones & Cavalier Objective Crystals

Are these replacing the 22-hour solo events?
What are the drop rates and amounts for each prize (T2a frags, 7X T5 generic iso, 5/6* shards, T1a)?
If they are intended to replace 22-hour events, what was the rationale for removing a ready source of revives/units in exchange for what appears to be random stuff obtainable elsewhere?
Dr. Zola
What are the drop rates and amounts for each prize (T2a frags, 7X T5 generic iso, 5/6* shards, T1a)?
If they are intended to replace 22-hour events, what was the rationale for removing a ready source of revives/units in exchange for what appears to be random stuff obtainable elsewhere?
Dr. Zola
That’s reassuring. I’m one of those players who levels up just enough to get the units since the 4* sig stones and other rewards don’t have value to me. Take away the units and the revive and it hurts.
Dr. Zola
P.S. Do we have drop rates? Mine still don’t show up.
Arena Wins shows as finished 12 minutes ago, so I suppose we will soon see if any 22-hour event shows up as “Coming Soon.”
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
So new 7 hr and 22 hr ones startup somewhere between maybe 15-30 minutes after the previous ones end.