Tips for Act 5 Exploration

Need some tips as far as how I should go about exploring act 5 and what champs would be most efficient.
Roster (Unable to post pics right now):
6 star r1 Luke Cage
4/55 Nebula (Sig 20), Colussus, Hawkeye
3/45 Sig 30 Aegon
5/50: Corvus (sig99), Hype, Thing, Magik, AA, Domino, Iceman, Doc Oc, Gwenpool
All of Act 5 is completed.
Explored: All of 5.1, 5.2.1 and 5.2.2, 5.4.1, 5.4.2
Roster (Unable to post pics right now):
6 star r1 Luke Cage
4/55 Nebula (Sig 20), Colussus, Hawkeye
3/45 Sig 30 Aegon
5/50: Corvus (sig99), Hype, Thing, Magik, AA, Domino, Iceman, Doc Oc, Gwenpool
All of Act 5 is completed.
Explored: All of 5.1, 5.2.1 and 5.2.2, 5.4.1, 5.4.2
Patience and perseverance are gonna be clutch for chapter 3. All in all, your roster can handle the task IMO. The 1 thing above all that it takes more of than anything else, time. Lots of paths, LOTS of energy refills needed for a straight grind. If you run into trouble, I'd recommend looking/searching for strategy guides per chapter. Some have done some great write ups on the ins and outs of Act 5.
For 5.4, I would HIGHLY recommend checking off the paths as you complete them. If you take a break and forget which you've completed and which you haven't, it can result in some headaches. I also went through every quest in 5.3 to locate the keys, and logged which one need which. Allowed me to jump around and grab the keys as needed and exploration was a bit easier as a result.
So best wishes on your quest to 'Elder's Bane' and if you run into specific issues, many here can provide better insight per problem. Truth is, Act 5 being as long as it is, it's kind of difficult to give you a 'Cliffsnotes' post on what to do.