Can we get some visibility on Abyss Legends rewards?



  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    They already stated they will release it when they are ready. They already answered your question. They aren't ready to give a timeframe, most likely because they aren't sure how much longer it's going to take. I doubt this is their top priority in the game no matter how helpful it may be to you
  • um0p3pisdnum0p3pisdn Member Posts: 59
    First off, the question wasn’t directed to you, but sure you can chime in.

    “When they are ready” is immeasurable.

    Would it benefit me, yes. Would it benefit others, yes. By osmosis alone that means it also benefits Kabam as a company.

    Secondly, if I recall correctly; Kabam stated they wished to be more transparent with the player base, I don’t see how how asking a question and receiving a “non-dickish” answer is too much to ask for the sake of achieving a goal they put forth to the players of their own volition.
  • PitPenguinsPitPenguins Member Posts: 22
    I'm hoping that with the recent bans we're gonna start seeing the legends rewards out soon.
  • DrOctavius2_2DrOctavius2_2 Member Posts: 432 ★★
    Need to make some rank up decisions, any update would be appreciated
  • Tjk602Tjk602 Member Posts: 85
    Time to use my generic. This ain’t gonna happen anytime soon.
  • Tjk602Tjk602 Member Posts: 85
    It’s gonna hit two months with no update. They probably haven’t even started to look into auditing all the top 300 as they didn’t expect it to be this fast. Broken promises. I don’t expect this to be handed out for months as this isn’t top priority for them.
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    Tjk602 said:

    It’s gonna hit two months with no update. They probably haven’t even started to look into auditing all the top 300 as they didn’t expect it to be this fast. Broken promises. I don’t expect this to be handed out for months as this isn’t top priority for them.

    Need a tissue?
  • JP1119JP1119 Member Posts: 7
    I don’t think we’re asking too much here for some added clarity on when these rewards can be expected. Kabam provided an initial estimate of 1 month after release. We’re well past that timeline. I understand that prioritization can change, but a follow up or new timeline would be greatly appreciated.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    It comes when it comes. No point rushing.

    All the best to those who ran for it.
  • um0p3pisdnum0p3pisdn Member Posts: 59
    xNig said:

    It comes when it comes. No point rushing.

    All the best to those who ran for it.

    Asking for an updated timeline isn’t the same as asking them to rush out rewards.
  • Tjk602Tjk602 Member Posts: 85
    Exactly and those who don’t care probably know they aren’t in running for the awaken so you all can care less. This is about making decisions for your defense offense and prestige.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269
    Information cannot be shared until it is ready. We will make an announcement when we are confident that we have a safe list to share. Until then, we're going to close this thread down.
This discussion has been closed.