I say max him his DPS is awesome after 10 stacks and goes insane when topped off at 30 stacks. I just today ranked 5 my 5* and I don’t even run suicides and he is still a beast in everything I play him in. Sabretooth synergy is a real plus to boot !
Omega is good unduped, but not god-tier. He's god-tier with dupe and high sig. He's still extremely good without synergies and suicides, but with them he becomes even better.
I have him duped and max sig. Some testing shows me that he needs the ST synergy to not be frustrating if you aren’t going to run suicides. It’s so hard to keep the spores up otherwise.
I have him duped and max sig. Some testing shows me that he needs the ST synergy to not be frustrating if you aren’t going to run suicides. It’s so hard to keep the spores up otherwise.
That isn't the case for me. I have a max sig OR as well and I always bring him into AW without ST or DPX synergies, and have no problem keeping up the death spores. You just need to play aggressive and only hit into them when parry stun is about to end, so you give more time for death spores to gain.