Doctor Doom Counters

With the new season of AQ coming shortly
I want to know some champs that are really good against him so i can be prepared for him if you know some golf counters could you please tell me them?
I want to know some champs that are really good against him so i can be prepared for him if you know some golf counters could you please tell me them?
Additionally, she does apply Slow on her Heavy Attacks, which will stop Doctor Doom from activating his Aura of Hazareth. I personally try to land the Heavy to get the Slow on him while I build Spider-Sense Charges and keep it on as long as possible so he doesn't get the other benefits of the Aura. If I mistime things and the Slow expires, I still have her Evades against Unblockable Specials as a backup plan.
With Dr. Doom, there are many champs that you CAN'T use on him, and if you happen not to have one of the ones mentioned above, it is going to be pretty rough.
People seem to misread that line about her evading unblockable specials... usually they just think she has a 550% chance to evade them; it's so frustrating.
I think she really just got left in the dust due to She-Hulk and how game-breaking she was upon her rework. If only that had never happened, then Spider-Gwen would probably be getting the respect she deserves from more of the community...