Ghost - How Good is Good Enough?

allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 864 ★★★
I'm terrible with Ghost. But I've been practicing on lower-level quests with my R4 5*. I've finally learned to trust the phase and can hit my opening hit after they miss 90% of the time. I've watched some vids but there's so much there.

I'm still going to work on learning her, but how good do I have to get to make her a worthwhile R5?

Is there a minimum set of skills that I should have mastered, besides the phase hit at start of match?

Thanks, fellow Ghosters.


  • HendrossHendross Member Posts: 966 ★★★
    Even with basic phase intercept skills she's worth R5. Additional skills are sort of niche e.g playing without Wasp for class restrictions and gates, multiple misses for mighty charge, building furys with antman synergy. She'll carry you through story mode and variant 3 as-is.
  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 864 ★★★

    I don’t have Ghost in any star form but I have Quake and I had similar questions because of her unique play-style before I ranked my 5 star up to Rank 5.

    What I can tell you is this - you’re doing the right thing - keep practicing, watch YouTube tutorials, and if you have the resources, take her up to Rank 5. I took my Quake to Rank 5 two months ago and she was my MVP in the last two monthly EQs (and I have a 5 Star, Rank 5 Aegon). I’m still not great at using Quake either but the extra health on a Rank 5 helps when I make mistakes. All the experts say Ghost is a Top 3 champ - so I say, Rank her up.

    The sad thing is I haven't taken Quake past R3 for the very same reason. I'm really hurting for a R5 tech champ, hence the focus on Ghost.

  • Disgruntled_User_123Disgruntled_User_123 Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★

    I don’t have Ghost in any star form but I have Quake and I had similar questions because of her unique play-style before I ranked my 5 star up to Rank 5.

    What I can tell you is this - you’re doing the right thing - keep practicing, watch YouTube tutorials, and if you have the resources, take her up to Rank 5. I took my Quake to Rank 5 two months ago and she was my MVP in the last two monthly EQs (and I have a 5 Star, Rank 5 Aegon). I’m still not great at using Quake either but the extra health on a Rank 5 helps when I make mistakes. All the experts say Ghost is a Top 3 champ - so I say, Rank her up.

    The sad thing is I haven't taken Quake past R3 for the very same reason. I'm really hurting for a R5 tech champ, hence the focus on Ghost.

    They are great champs for a reason - they just also require a lot of skill. The only real elite champions that don’t require much skill are Corvus and Domino - most of the others (Aegon, Ghost, Quake, Captain America IW, Nick Fury, to name a few) require the player to hone their skills. And, honestly, that’s how it should be.

    Don’t lose hope, keep learning, and rank Ghost up. I haven’t regretted ranking up Quake once.
  • Crazyblaze47Crazyblaze47 Member Posts: 20
    I took Ghost to R4 then to R5 to incentivize learning her... Best decision ever. Based on where you’ve described your skill level with her, this alone makes it worth while: at higher ranks you finish fights faster, which means fewer opportunities to make mistakes. When you do make mistakes, it’s less of an overall impact. It’ll cut down your reliance on items significantly.

    Ghost just carried me through completion of V3 and exploration of 6.1, and I wouldn’t say I’m much better with her than you are (if at all). She’s a beast.
  • NinjaNate90NinjaNate90 Member Posts: 52
    Having wasp in the group makes her loads easier. Used to bring 2* wasp with R5 ghost and another champ to AW and still clear my lane, minis, and boss depending on the boss (gold 1 tier 6). If she’s duped keep taking advantage of those phase misses for power gain, then parry, medium attack, dash back to phase, and sp2. If you can do that you’re golden for most content.
  • EvangelionlovrEvangelionlovr Member Posts: 481 ★★★
    Ghost is an incredible champ. Took mine to R3 the day I got her and R5 shortly after that. I wasn't good with her at first but let me tell you it comes easy (certainly easier than quake IMO). I'd say the biggest piece of advice I can give you is don't get greedy with the misses (even if you have her duped, trying to get in that extra little power when your miss window is closing isn't worth mistiming it and taking a combo). and if they're being passive and you don't feel comfortable waiting on them, just dance around until you can phase again. I'd say the only thing about ghost that takes a ton of skill is landing the specials without Wasp (to a point, there's still a cool trick I made a YT vid showcasing) and preventing recoil with Hood synergy (this takes some damn good timing, I still can't do it 100%).

    Like others have said shes so useful for so much content, it's a crime not to R5 her if you have the ability to.
  • H_I_ZH_I_Z Member Posts: 496 ★★
    synergies with wasp, beyond that not much at all. just practice
  • StarzStarz Member Posts: 158
    Best decision I made in this game was taking mine to R5. She is now sig 200 and walks through most content. Variant 3 was mostly a breeze with her
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    edited March 2020
    First thing that I triggered on with your post was when you said practicing on lower level content.

    This is not a good idea imo because they are so passive in lower level content it’s harder to get a consistent rhythm going.

    I didn’t take to ghost immediately because of this. Then variant 3 came out and I started using her there and I found it much easier to use her because of the aggressive AI.

    Just a suggestion that may help your training.

    I do know people in my alliance that never took to her and there r5 of ghost is there biggest regret. I though think she is 100% worth taking the time to learn and perfect.
  • Zeronaut81Zeronaut81 Member Posts: 290 ★★
    I pulled 6* ghost not too long ago, and I practiced on and off on a Sunday against RoL WS & Captain marvel. I was able to get a firm grasp of how to play her vs. passive AI (Winter Soldier) and more aggressive AI (Capt. Marvel).
    I learned how and when to chain heavies, how an idle can bait the AI into action, the fury/cruelty buff effects, the phase timing (I really struggled with this initially), and when to safely phase intercept.
    It takes some practice, but I made myself learn because of how good she can be. I took her to R2 with no regrets.
    My advice? Practice, and force yourself to take her into as much content as possible to get used to her.
  • Caino1023Caino1023 Member Posts: 309 ★★
    edited March 2020

    I'm terrible with Ghost. But I've been practicing on lower-level quests with my R4 5*. I've finally learned to trust the phase and can hit my opening hit after they miss 90% of the time. I've watched some vids but there's so much there.

    I'm still going to work on learning her, but how good do I have to get to make her a worthwhile R5?

    Is there a minimum set of skills that I should have mastered, besides the phase hit at start of match?

    Thanks, fellow Ghosters.

    Keep at it.

    What you'll notice is that if you spend the resources to rank her up - things will start being dead before you actually have to be good with her, especially with suicides on.

    Phase, hit, phase, hit, phase, hit, hit hit, phase, hit hit hit, sp2 - dead.
    Throw a parry, heavy (charged) in there to spice it up if you'd like.

    Just need to get confident in the phases and when the opponent will attack. Takes a bit of time.

    Keep at it!
  • Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Member Posts: 1,834 ★★★★
    What combo so you do after phasing?

    Phase, MLL or LLL ?
  • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    When I first got Ghost and started learning, I put together a few simple pointers for the "ghost beginner" .. ;)
    as you get more experienced, you may very well outgrow some of these points, however, they'll help you get started and improve with her ;)
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  • Caino1023Caino1023 Member Posts: 309 ★★

    What combo so you do after phasing?

    Phase, MLL or LLL ?

    It depends on a lot of things.
    But if you're running suicides... I would just do Phase, Medium, Phase, Medium until your initial furies run out.

    From there it's MLLL to get cruelties unless you're worried about the power gain on the opponent.

    There's something to be said to sticking with Medium, Phase, Medium, Phase. etc., especially if you're getting multiple whiffed hits on each phase and building power.
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    Imma b honest I took me like 10 minutes to learn her, you just got watch the phase timer and trust yourself
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    edited March 2020
    Once I decided to buckle down and learn her, I just took her to ROL and practiced there. At first, it seemed like it would take me a long time, but after sitting down and spending a couple hours practicing one night it just clicked. On the second day of serious practice I committed to taking her to R2 6. She's super fun to play and such a great champ. A couple days later I further committed to using her by maxing my 5* Wasp. I've sinced duped her and she will likely be my first r3. So, the answer is... whenever you feel comfortable with her. Once it clicks, you know it.

    My practice routine was to take her and a full synergy team into Rol. Use only Ghost. Use no items. Use only sp2.. everytime you get 2 bars. It's forces you to learn to phase recoil and of course just gives you repetitive practice using her over and and over. The recoil phase timing is basically as soon as she is released from the special animation. Which seems to be a half second after she returns to her feet. Just have to get a feel for it. When she got ko'd at some point, I'd back out and start again. Getting farther and farther until finally I cleared the full quest with her. You can vary it up between one hit combos and 4 hit. Potions are obviously a nice byproduct of the practice:)

    I know that a lot of Ghost players like to build their meter (if duped) by taking several misses per phase. Not me (at least not right now), I just keep it safe and simple. I only punish mediums. If they start throwing lights or back off, I parry/combo or back off and reset for the next phase. As far as which combos.. I usually use a couple one hit combos while my suicide furies are active at the beginning and then switch to 4 hit. For evaders or high power gain, you obviously stick to one hit. Other than that I just do 4 hit. Oh, and even though my Ghost is duped, I still dash back as my opening move. It creates distance and makes them more likely to throw a medium as their opening move. Easy to punish and quickly get off a few one hits while furies are up.

    For the phase into sp2, you do want to have Wasp for an easier time. And you want to use your right thumb to phase and your left to hit the special button. Which was weird for me at first because I usually do all swipe inputs with my left thumb. When I first tried it with my left thumb, I would only crit the first hit of the sp2. Switching to the right thumb to phase made the difference. And now it's muscle memory. I Only use it for the special phase. Still use my left thumb for all regular phases.
  • Caino1023Caino1023 Member Posts: 309 ★★

    Imma b honest I took me like 10 minutes to learn her, you just got watch the phase timer and trust yourself

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