I had this discussion a little bit ago in my alliance chat. Basically, voodoo sp2 on even converts 525% of power burnt into energy damage. This is considered an active debuff. At least this is what kabam would consider an active debuff. Vision, rogue, magik, and a few others use passive debuffs to power drain/steal/burn (dorm too). However, the red v from voodoo still reduces ability accuracy by 50% from odd combo on immune to debuffs because that is passive. Hope this clarifies it a little bit.
That makes no sense. What's the difference between an active power burn and a passive power burn? Power burn is just power burn. You remove their power and deal some damage. As simple as that
Similarly SW's power steal is considered as a buff for some reason but Vision's is not. No idea why
The same way limbo is passive and degen/bleed/poison/incinerate are active.
You just listed different DOT effects, which is a terrible comparison.
A better one would be if one type bleed counted as a debuff, the other counted as a passive, while not being linked to champion specific abilities, but I can't think of anything like that.
Also, isn't Limbo a passive and bleed, poison, etc. just normal active debuffs?
I was referring to limbo as a passive debuff (which it is), and bleed as an active debuff (which it is).
In the case of power drain or burn or steal, some champs abilities are active, some are passive. Dr Voodoo power burn from even (or odd) are active debuffs. The reason it doesn't trigger willpower is because it's an instant debuff (similar to nightcrawlers deep wound effect)
I will point out that I was wrong in saying voodoo power burn doesn't trigger willpower. It obviously does according to my 2 previous pics I posted.
And here is willpower being ac
activated on sp2 even combo
Well that is definitely weird. I just duelled the same guy as you multiple times and never saw a regen. You sure that isn't the regen from parry stun falling off?
Can someone else duel using a DV check this?
And here is willpower being ac
activated on sp2 even combo
Well that is definitely weird. I just duelled the same guy as you multiple times and never saw a regen. You sure that isn't the regen from parry stun falling off?
Can someone else duel using a DV check this?
I didn't parry him just before that. I evaded his sp1 as you can see dexterity on the left side.
There must be some inconsistencies with how willpower works, or with whether it's considered an active debuff. But I know voodoo can't power burn on map 5 immune lane with odd or even. Vision and rogue however can. Same with top left mini in war.
Posting this question because I have noticed several inconsistencies and they are puzzling me. Gathered the following information by testing it out on Road to Labyrinth 4.5 which features a Rhino with the debuff immunity node.
Voodoo: unable to power burn after using sp2 on even combo. Ordinarily, this gives voodoo a buff that burns his opponent's power with each hit.
Vision: able to power burn Rhino. This is confusing since Voodoo is unable to power burn, yet vision can.
Rogue: able to power steal
Dormamu: able to power drain
Hawkeye: unable to power drain. Again, this is confusing because Dormamu was able to power drain, yet hawkeye could not.
This clearly shows that there is some inconsistency as to what "debuff immunity" actually provides immunity. Is this a bug? Or is there some hidden factor that determines this. Would very much appreciate if the developers could shine some light on this topic.
Has Hawkeye always been unable to pd? I recall otherwise.
Pretty sure YJs power sting still works against Rhino
While it will be interesting to know whether power burn on Voodoo's special 2 on even combo triggers willpower, that only is another way of saying that it is a debuff (which we already know because debuff immune nodes are immune to that).
The question still remains why it is a debuff whereas other types of power drain are not.
I can somewhat explain:
every champ attack in coding will have 3 section: [buff] [debuff] and [passive]. So for example a champ like Wolverine attack will be like: light attack [buff: 8% regen, 8% signature regen] [debuff: bleed: 40% on critical] [passive: crit chance: x%]. When an attack struck, the computer will check these three box. If a champ is bleed immune, when checking the debuff box, they will ignore the bleed section, while a champ with debuff immunity will ignore the whole debuff box entirely. This mean with X-23 the trigger for her cruelty buff: "if a champ is bleed immune gain cruelty instead" is placed inside the debuff box, so it will be ignore when a champ has debuff immunity. And for Hawkeye and Vision, they simply misplace the power burn into the debuff box.
This would be a very good explanation - and would suggest that the coding for voodoo and hawkeye was wrong. Could a moderator please confirm this?
While it will be interesting to know whether power burn on Voodoo's special 2 on even combo triggers willpower, that only is another way of saying that it is a debuff (which we already know because debuff immune nodes are immune to that).
The question still remains why it is a debuff whereas other types of power drain are not.
I can somewhat explain:
every champ attack in coding will have 3 section: [buff] [debuff] and [passive]. So for example a champ like Wolverine attack will be like: light attack [buff: 8% regen, 8% signature regen] [debuff: bleed: 40% on critical] [passive: crit chance: x%]. When an attack struck, the computer will check these three box. If a champ is bleed immune, when checking the debuff box, they will ignore the bleed section, while a champ with debuff immunity will ignore the whole debuff box entirely. This mean with X-23 the trigger for her cruelty buff: "if a champ is bleed immune gain cruelty instead" is placed inside the debuff box, so it will be ignore when a champ has debuff immunity. And for Hawkeye and Vision, they simply misplace the power burn into the debuff box.
This would be a very good explanation - and would suggest that the coding for voodoo and hawkeye was wrong. Could a moderator please confirm this?
The reason we checked voodoo to see if willpower triggers is because it would label voodoo sp2 on even or odd as an active debuff.
While it will be interesting to know whether power burn on Voodoo's special 2 on even combo triggers willpower, that only is another way of saying that it is a debuff (which we already know because debuff immune nodes are immune to that).
The question still remains why it is a debuff whereas other types of power drain are not.
I can somewhat explain:
every champ attack in coding will have 3 section: [buff] [debuff] and [passive]. So for example a champ like Wolverine attack will be like: light attack [buff: 8% regen, 8% signature regen] [debuff: bleed: 40% on critical] [passive: crit chance: x%]. When an attack struck, the computer will check these three box. If a champ is bleed immune, when checking the debuff box, they will ignore the bleed section, while a champ with debuff immunity will ignore the whole debuff box entirely. This mean with X-23 the trigger for her cruelty buff: "if a champ is bleed immune gain cruelty instead" is placed inside the debuff box, so it will be ignore when a champ has debuff immunity. And for Hawkeye and Vision, they simply misplace the power burn into the debuff box.
This would be a very good explanation - and would suggest that the coding for voodoo and hawkeye was wrong. Could a moderator please confirm this?
The reason we checked voodoo to see if willpower triggers is because it would label voodoo sp2 on even or odd as an active debuff.
Ignore my last statement, you said that, I'm sorry. Not fully awake yet, still drinking coffee. Lol
activated on sp2 even combo
I was getting there. Was trying to demonstrate that it's a debuff because it triggers willpower
But yeah, that's way better.
They should fix this by making these power drains/power burns passive or by stating which ones are which in the games info screens.
Lol, yeah, I made the video then played it and took a screenshot
I will point out that I was wrong in saying voodoo power burn doesn't trigger willpower. It obviously does according to my 2 previous pics I posted.
Well that is definitely weird. I just duelled the same guy as you multiple times and never saw a regen. You sure that isn't the regen from parry stun falling off?
Can someone else duel using a DV check this?
I didn't parry him just before that. I evaded his sp1 as you can see dexterity on the left side.
Here it is.
Has Hawkeye always been unable to pd? I recall otherwise.
Pretty sure YJs power sting still works against Rhino
While it will be interesting to know whether power burn on Voodoo's special 2 on even combo triggers willpower, that only is another way of saying that it is a debuff (which we already know because debuff immune nodes are immune to that).
The question still remains why it is a debuff whereas other types of power drain are not.
This would be a very good explanation - and would suggest that the coding for voodoo and hawkeye was wrong. Could a moderator please confirm this?
The reason we checked voodoo to see if willpower triggers is because it would label voodoo sp2 on even or odd as an active debuff.
Ignore my last statement, you said that, I'm sorry. Not fully awake yet, still drinking coffee. Lol