Gold is a problem again

I think it’s a combination of no dungeons lately and the glory store updates meaning more r4/r5/ 6* rankups. I grind arena, I’m in every pool, I’m used to having a 3-4m buffer of gold, but it’s all gone. I have r2 6*s ready to happen and I’m about to finish my first 6.4 run which will give me materials for two r2 6*... but no gold. I don’t rankup useless champs, It just costs too much gold for these 5/65 and 2/35 rank ups that materials have become more available for, I suggest taking away the gold requirement on rankup stones, please make more gold available to suit the increase in other rankup materials
Ranked up 2 6*s to R2, 2 5* to R5, 4 5* to R4 and misc 3/4* rank ups.
With this act 7 previews and keeping up getting out of hand with arena, that and the war bubbles that vet alliances are stuck in, first time in 4 years I’ve been seriously thinking might have to take a break from the game