Infinity Stones

Infinity Stones may or may not be introduced into MCOC but this is my plot for how Infinity Stones would work as a new earnable system mechanic:
All additional buffs from infinity Stones will last for 10 seconds, there would be a gauge that fills up as you fight. When the gauge is full you would simply tap the stone icon activating the 10 second buff ability; Infinity Stone buffs will be universal to all champions. You will have a chance at getting Infinity Stones within Crystals, if you happen to get duplicate Infinity Stones they will be converted into units. Confrontation against A.I. with Infinity Stones will only occur within Alliance Wars.
Power Stone - The power stone when activated will apply a 10 second damage and defence buff, basic attacks and specials will inflict increased damage while your defence is also significantly increased.
Time Stone - The time stone when activated will apply a 10 second speed buff. Basic attacks and movement speed will be greatly increased.
Space Stone - The space stone when activated will lock out your opponents ability to backdash and block for 10 seconds. This will briefly limit their defence and movement away from you.
Mind Stone - The mind stone when activated will apply a 10 second power gain towards you and a 10 second power drain towards your opponent.
Soul Stone - The soul stone has two choices. Activate the soul stone manually while fighting to apply 10 seconds of regeneration or save your soul stone a 10 second revival. Your second choice In relations to punisher and Phoenix is to save your soul stone and be granted an additional 10 second life boost after a death blow. During the 10 seconds you can be attack but cannot die, only after you are vunerable to attacks.
Reality Stone - The reality stone when activated will apply a 10 second ability to put 2 DOT (damage over time) effects on your opponent. The DOT's can vary from poison, incinerate, bleed, coldsnap and degeneration.
If anyone wants go into further detail, offer some more ideas or change anything please feel free. Otherwise I hope you like this. ^^
All additional buffs from infinity Stones will last for 10 seconds, there would be a gauge that fills up as you fight. When the gauge is full you would simply tap the stone icon activating the 10 second buff ability; Infinity Stone buffs will be universal to all champions. You will have a chance at getting Infinity Stones within Crystals, if you happen to get duplicate Infinity Stones they will be converted into units. Confrontation against A.I. with Infinity Stones will only occur within Alliance Wars.
Power Stone - The power stone when activated will apply a 10 second damage and defence buff, basic attacks and specials will inflict increased damage while your defence is also significantly increased.
Time Stone - The time stone when activated will apply a 10 second speed buff. Basic attacks and movement speed will be greatly increased.
Space Stone - The space stone when activated will lock out your opponents ability to backdash and block for 10 seconds. This will briefly limit their defence and movement away from you.
Mind Stone - The mind stone when activated will apply a 10 second power gain towards you and a 10 second power drain towards your opponent.
Soul Stone - The soul stone has two choices. Activate the soul stone manually while fighting to apply 10 seconds of regeneration or save your soul stone a 10 second revival. Your second choice In relations to punisher and Phoenix is to save your soul stone and be granted an additional 10 second life boost after a death blow. During the 10 seconds you can be attack but cannot die, only after you are vunerable to attacks.
Reality Stone - The reality stone when activated will apply a 10 second ability to put 2 DOT (damage over time) effects on your opponent. The DOT's can vary from poison, incinerate, bleed, coldsnap and degeneration.
If anyone wants go into further detail, offer some more ideas or change anything please feel free. Otherwise I hope you like this. ^^
Great idea!
All this reminds me of the old games and Marvel vs Capcom. Mind stone OP.
You mean you get to buy one infinity gauntlet. And can buy stones to equip the gauntlet. And must use units to swap out stones. So yeah, lots of buying, Kabam will implement this asap.
This opens up new and amazing masteries as well as a very expensive price and prestige to them.
That's seems like a better alternative if those three new Infinity stones exist within contest of champions. I wasn't too aware of them before compared to now, this seems more likely to be chosen for a new in-game mechanic however I think my idea for the original infinite six would be dope af still.