Level up

So, I opened some crystals and I got some new champions... more than I expected... and I am so low on iso... and I don't know which one should I level up first. Can you give me some tips, please?
3* King Groot
3* Cable
3* Archangel
3* Thor
3* Ultron
3* King Groot
3* Cable
3* Archangel
3* Thor
3* Ultron
AA is a blast to play. His only downside is that he is very dependent on bleed, so if you face a bleed immune, you'll see he doesn't hit very hard.
Ultron is one of the top utility champs. Great regen if you get low on health, bleed & poison immune. He's a go-to for a lot of players in alliance quests. Good as attacker and defender in war.
Cable has a few good buffs like regen, and can also trigger degen on your opponent.
Thor is good, but really needs to be awakened to get his true power (armor break when he stuns).
Groot is decent in that he is bleed immune and can cause poison, but he is slow and awkward to play. I've only used him for arenas.
Archangle- Awesome for questing and attack purposes
Ultron- Awesome for defence and questing purposes. sometimes helps in bleed and poison paths of aq and aw
Cable-Good for def and questing
Thor- great hitter and can be used in questing
King groot- can be helpful in aw defence in sp2 bias nodes
One more thing
I have a rank 3 Cyclops (Xavier School). Should I replace him with Archangel?