Evades seem off or ai is lunging forward more than ever

Im finding last few days that evading specials and heavys i’ve always done very easily im getting clipped, and i asked other members in ally they are finding it abit also that oponants are either lunging twice the distance or evading backwards distance has been shortened by alot.
Anyone else getting it lately?
Anyone else getting it lately?
It's like they fly across the screen to land it despite been a decent distance from the opponent before the initiate the heavy
The AI has definitely change, doesn’t seem like lag too me
Can’t record all gameplay but hopefully someone can fill in
I’ve also blogged about this before. The ai can throw a faster or slower heavy, sp1 and sp2 and it throws you timing off. They also seem to be able to hold their heavy much longer than the summoner before releasing it.
AI dash forward, throw a medium, and dash back before you can hit them with a medium dash. The player does the same sequence and gets combo'd into oblivion.
The AI flying way across the screen when throwing a heavy or special. (i.e. iron man: Infinity war)
The AI activating special attacks, while you're hitting into their block.
Sending in videos, etc.. will do nothing. Kabam has ramped this game up to their advantage more than ever before And they know it. It is not lag or any issues like that. My entire alliance is fed up today with how the AI is acting. Why the AQ maps are “tweaked” based on the alliances prestige, PI??? If we want a harder map, we move to a higher map! Maps should be the same across the board, regardless of alliance PI, prestige etc.. Rewards are not increased for you increasing the difficulty based on this or what day it is in the AQ so it seems a bit unfair and uncalled for. After 4 years of playing, I have seen this game continue to go downhill. It is getting old and making quitting more of a possibility. Just fix the game, make it fair (but still challenging). I don’t think that is asking too much is it!?
I'm not sure if it's due to challenger rating tho
Nothing has been changed with these factors, so if you're seeing issues, please report them as you would any bug! Give us the information on what device and OS version you're using, what Champion you were playing as, and which Champion you were fighting against.
If you happen to have a video of it occurring as well, that would be very helpful.