First of all, I just want to say that I understand why some of you guys are upset with the Ms/ bwcv fix. And you have the right to be, Kabam didn't announce this and it was quite an unpleasant surprise. However, I just want to emphasize the fact that this is a FIX, not a Nerf. So please, people, please stop begging for rank down tickets and compensation. It's not that big of a deal, these champions are still just as good as before, you didn't make the wrong decision ranking them up. I also just want to say that although you might not be happy with the changes Kabam is making, at least they are still trying to make this game as fair as they can. Yes, the game is easier when you pay money. Yes, not all of us have money to put into the game. But I just want to say that Kabam is improving. With the Baron's side quest and the gold event, we can see that Kabam is trying to give their player a better game playing experience. I know it's hard to stay positive in these hard times but we still should remember that Kabam is still human and they make mistakes. The important thing is that they are starting to fix them. Thank you for reading this. Stay safe, and stay healthy. 😄😄😄
-Morningstar is healing when she deals 0 damage despite her description saying she heals a percentage of damage dealt = We will fix the ability to work as the description says
-Flow is a passive ability instead of a buff as the description says = We will change the description to match the way it currently works
If they're going to fix bugs based on how their description says, then it should be the same across the board and not cherry picked based on what brings in the most profit.