Barons war sorcerer supreme epic difficulty vs Storm X baron war difficulty. NOT FAIR?!

Good evening guys i just had to write this even though its very late here in germany 02:43 to be honest.
Well, I get it that epic is the hardest difficult in the game for the Event Missions for now. But i dont
understand why it went from like uncollected difficulty to cavalier difficulty with the must have a unstoppable champ node, its very comparable with cavalier(act6) difficulty since you require specific champions in this case unstoppable champions. I managed to complete all missions except this one because I do not have any unstoppable Champs.
And Storm X from the Baron war epic Difficult is much more easier and have much more counters to use on her but sorcerer supreme only 1 counter? How is that any balanced it would make much more sense if Storm X would have been harder since all the meta players will go with the Resources to rank champs up, and the weaker ones (like me) 133k PI are really in a bad position we cant just rank up an unstoppable champ because one Mission, either we don't have the ressources / champs.
That was nothing but on my mind let me know what you guys think about.
Well, I get it that epic is the hardest difficult in the game for the Event Missions for now. But i dont
understand why it went from like uncollected difficulty to cavalier difficulty with the must have a unstoppable champ node, its very comparable with cavalier(act6) difficulty since you require specific champions in this case unstoppable champions. I managed to complete all missions except this one because I do not have any unstoppable Champs.
And Storm X from the Baron war epic Difficult is much more easier and have much more counters to use on her but sorcerer supreme only 1 counter? How is that any balanced it would make much more sense if Storm X would have been harder since all the meta players will go with the Resources to rank champs up, and the weaker ones (like me) 133k PI are really in a bad position we cant just rank up an unstoppable champ because one Mission, either we don't have the ressources / champs.
That was nothing but on my mind let me know what you guys think about.
And odd user name since I am the captain of LEVI... Haha
Easy solo with 4* SL on my alt account. It took 127 hits. You don't need an unstoppable champ. Just need patience.
But I do agree, Storm is way easier than this fight.
Morningstar works.
But yeah lame fight for a side quest. Csws should stay in act 6 and map 7. Not a side quest imo. (Yes I do csws on map 7 both lanes and I’ve 100% csws act 6 lanes)