Warning: 6* max sig dupe



  • NiteAndDaeNiteAndDae Member Posts: 670 ★★★

    @NiteAndDae appreciate the insight, and sorry you went through this on the 5*. I’ll definitely be more cautious moving forward. Seems like a case of buyer beware so need to implement strategies to avoid a total loss of 10 or 15k 6* shards. I would do featured but I’m really looking to dupe ghost and she isn’t in that pool unfortunately. Your idea of maxing at 180 sigs is something I will definitely do now. Have you been able to dodge the max sig 6* dupe?

    I have minimized my Max sig dupes. I took corvus to sig 180, and then pulled him 3 times, so the last two were totally useless. But, what can you do? I have to say, I'm pulling those same champs less and less, and it's balancing out over time.
  • FishweaselFishweasel Member Posts: 186 ★★
    @NiteAndDae yeah, that sucks man. Sorry about Corvus. I would have gladly taken that and and traded my caiw spin :). My corvus is R2 with no dupe.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    I can understand Kabam’s end not to release a 6* max sig yet, since there are not still 7*s. On the other hand, duping a 6* lvl200 and getting less items than duping a 4* would make anyone frustrated. 5*s should award 48x tier5 class iso and 6*s 72x tier5 class iso since their introduction. At least a 72x t5 class iso chunk would be something. The wrong calculations (or more likely wrong decisions) from the developers, have caused issues like that.
  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    All max sig crystals should be replaced with a Nexus crystal of the same star level.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    All max sig crystals should be replaced with a Nexus crystal of the same star level.

    Stuff like this is why hardly anyone takes community opinion seriously amymore
  • FishweaselFishweasel Member Posts: 186 ★★
    edited April 2020

    All max sig crystals should be replaced with a Nexus crystal of the same star level.

    Stuff like this is why hardly anyone takes community opinion seriously amymore
    Surely there is something in between? It also shouldn’t be “nothing”, which is what it is now.
  • NmbghjjuNmbghjju Member Posts: 22
    Took me 3 weeks to save enough shards to open a 6* crystal and got Aegon which I already have as max sig.
    In fact, this 6* Aegon is the only one that's max sig in my roster, yet I pulled him again. What are the odds of that?

    Got 24 T5 ISO and 1,163 gold. That reward is actually even more disappointing than pulling a new lousy champ which at least I can still use in arena.

    Come on Kabam. Haven't you guys thought about this?
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    At the very least, duping a 6* should give you T6 class iso.
  • _hbtygbty423__hbtygbty423_ Member Posts: 546 ★★
    are you da one who prof hoff commentated?
  • BigManOnCampusBigManOnCampus Member Posts: 376 ★★★

    Hello fellow summoners. Just wanted to warn everyone - if you dupe a max sig 6*, all you get is 24 pieces of ISO and 1,163 pieces of gold. No max sig crystal and no other compensation of any kind. I happen to have only 1 max sig 6* and happened to pull a dupe recently. It was like my 10k 6* shards vanished with nothing in return. Anyone else having this problem? Do you think it’s fair compensation to get virtually nothing for duping a max sig 6*?

    Cowhale spoke about this over a year ago on his youtube page , he would always be pissed when it happened..
    rightfully so..
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Time to revive this thread? More and more people are slowly getting 6* dupes, with more of the community getting 6* max sig.

    Yes this is a problem for the top 1%, but its still a problem. A max sig crystal with a heap of iso, gold, or sig stones would be nice. I'd say an awakening gem, but with the rarity I wouldn't recommend that be introduced until at least mid way through Book 2.
    Even if it gave back a percentage of your 6* shards so it doesn't feel like a complete loss, considering the money and effort it would take to reach a max sig 6*, or multiples ones.

    It would be a nice gesture to some of your biggest players.

    It is not really a problem unless you are someone who feels entitled to something you are not.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    Time to revive this thread? More and more people are slowly getting 6* dupes, with more of the community getting 6* max sig.

    Yes this is a problem for the top 1%, but its still a problem. A max sig crystal with a heap of iso, gold, or sig stones would be nice. I'd say an awakening gem, but with the rarity I wouldn't recommend that be introduced until at least mid way through Book 2.
    Even if it gave back a percentage of your 6* shards so it doesn't feel like a complete loss, considering the money and effort it would take to reach a max sig 6*, or multiples ones.

    It would be a nice gesture to some of your biggest players.

    It is not really a problem unless you are someone who feels entitled to something you are not.
    Not really entitlement. 5*s you receive iso, sigs AG or shards. 7*s dont exist yet, and a 6* AG would be overkill.

    Considering there are 153 obtainable 6*s in the game, going off standard cavaliers you have a 0.0065% chance to pull one particular champion. You need to do that 20 times to reach max sig.

    Giving someone a little extra doesnt hurt. Even if its iso. Im against giving stuff to people for nothing, but reaching a 6* max sig takes some major grind, luck and payroll..
    That is the very definition of entitlement, and you are literally asking for stuff for nothing
  • FishweaselFishweasel Member Posts: 186 ★★
    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Time to revive this thread? More and more people are slowly getting 6* dupes, with more of the community getting 6* max sig.

    Yes this is a problem for the top 1%, but its still a problem. A max sig crystal with a heap of iso, gold, or sig stones would be nice. I'd say an awakening gem, but with the rarity I wouldn't recommend that be introduced until at least mid way through Book 2.
    Even if it gave back a percentage of your 6* shards so it doesn't feel like a complete loss, considering the money and effort it would take to reach a max sig 6*, or multiples ones.

    It would be a nice gesture to some of your biggest players.

    It is not really a problem unless you are someone who feels entitled to something you are not.
    Not really entitlement. 5*s you receive iso, sigs AG or shards. 7*s dont exist yet, and a 6* AG would be overkill.

    Considering there are 153 obtainable 6*s in the game, going off standard cavaliers you have a 0.0065% chance to pull one particular champion. You need to do that 20 times to reach max sig.

    Giving someone a little extra doesnt hurt. Even if its iso. Im against giving stuff to people for nothing, but reaching a 6* max sig takes some major grind, luck and payroll..
    That is the very definition of entitlement, and you are literally asking for stuff for nothing
    You get max sig crystals duping max sig 3*, 4*, and 5* champs. It’s not entitlement to expect there would be at least something for duping a max sig 6*. The 10k shards literally vanish when that happens with basically nothing in return. I’ve heard all the arguments- they did this with 5*, you should be happy you have a max sig champ, etc. None of that changes the fact that it’s not reasonable to receive higher compensation for duping a max 4*. Not asking for 6* AG, or 7* shards, etc, but would it break the game to give extra gold and iso for this? I hope you don’t have to experience this as it’s extremely frustrating to save up a month to get a 6*, only to get nothing.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Time to revive this thread? More and more people are slowly getting 6* dupes, with more of the community getting 6* max sig.

    Yes this is a problem for the top 1%, but its still a problem. A max sig crystal with a heap of iso, gold, or sig stones would be nice. I'd say an awakening gem, but with the rarity I wouldn't recommend that be introduced until at least mid way through Book 2.
    Even if it gave back a percentage of your 6* shards so it doesn't feel like a complete loss, considering the money and effort it would take to reach a max sig 6*, or multiples ones.

    It would be a nice gesture to some of your biggest players.

    It is not really a problem unless you are someone who feels entitled to something you are not.
    Not really entitlement. 5*s you receive iso, sigs AG or shards. 7*s dont exist yet, and a 6* AG would be overkill.

    Considering there are 153 obtainable 6*s in the game, going off standard cavaliers you have a 0.0065% chance to pull one particular champion. You need to do that 20 times to reach max sig.

    Giving someone a little extra doesnt hurt. Even if its iso. Im against giving stuff to people for nothing, but reaching a 6* max sig takes some major grind, luck and payroll..
    That is the very definition of entitlement, and you are literally asking for stuff for nothing
    You get max sig crystals duping max sig 3*, 4*, and 5* champs. It’s not entitlement to expect there would be at least something for duping a max sig 6*. The 10k shards literally vanish when that happens with basically nothing in return. I’ve heard all the arguments- they did this with 5*, you should be happy you have a max sig champ, etc. None of that changes the fact that it’s not reasonable to receive higher compensation for duping a max 4*. Not asking for 6* AG, or 7* shards, etc, but would it break the game to give extra gold and iso for this? I hope you don’t have to experience this as it’s extremely frustrating to save up a month to get a 6*, only to get nothing.
    It literally is entitlement , you feel you have a right to more rewards
  • SmashmeisterSmashmeister Member Posts: 3
    I think they should give you 20 6* sig stones if you dupe a maxxed 6* hero. I have an almost maxxed out 6* Dr Doom and am worried about getting him 3 more times. I never even used sig stones on him and kept pulling him but I wasted an awakening gem on him when I could have used it on Warlock.
  • PiviotPiviot Member Posts: 658 ★★★
    This same thing has happened before

    When 5* wasn’t introduced yet

    What happened then is everyone that duped at least once by crystals got the next * shards when they was in game(I think could be wrong)
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,737 ★★★★★

    I think they should give you 20 6* sig stones if you dupe a maxxed 6* hero. I have an almost maxxed out 6* Dr Doom and am worried about getting him 3 more times. I never even used sig stones on him and kept pulling him but I wasted an awakening gem on him when I could have used it on Warlock.

    People, please don’t write on this thread. It’s over a year old and completely pointless.
  • Negative_100Negative_100 Member Posts: 1,650 ★★★★

    I think they should give you 20 6* sig stones if you dupe a maxxed 6* hero. I have an almost maxxed out 6* Dr Doom and am worried about getting him 3 more times. I never even used sig stones on him and kept pulling him but I wasted an awakening gem on him when I could have used it on Warlock.

    Why revive
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